Scripture has informed us that God the Father and Jesus Christ specifically chose certain deeply converted men to write the most important and magnificent book in the world—all through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Several false messianic figures added to the mix. 1:19-21). 2, pp. 1, pp. Over centuries, billions of people have read the Bible. The New Testament, as usually received in the Christian Churches, is made up of twenty-seven different books attributed to eight different authors, six of whom are numbered among the Apostles (Matthew, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude) and two among their immediate disciples (Mark, Luke). 10:23). The book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, is the most intriguing, mysterious and enigmatic book in the Bible. Thus, John opens his epistle with a special preamble showing that he was an intimate disciple of Jesus Christ who had been with Him from the beginning of His ministry (I John 1:1-4). “We accept without hesitation the Marcan authorship of the second [G]ospel. However he is the author of the book and it contains his thoughts and ideas. There is no question that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and Salome were also included in the 120 (Mark 15:40-41). The authorship of the New Testament books have been discovered. The only other man to have seen God in His glorified form was Moses. Therefore, we can have full confidence and assurance that those who wrote the New Testament wrote the truth and nothing less. ISBN 978-1-4051-0825-6. He wrote of himself in many of his fourteen Epistles. From the introductions to the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, it is apparent that Luke primarily used the written records of the apostles and the original disciples to write his Gospel and the first twelve chapters of Acts. Only Mary was an eyewitness to all of these events, having “stored up all these sayings” in her heart (Luke 2:19). Since Paul does not mention that he was in Jerusalem or Judea during Jesus Christ’s ministry, it can only be assumed that he returned to Tarsus before Jesus began preaching. As Hiebert has pointed out: “The New Testament is striking in that practically one-third of its contents is letters…. The Hebrew for the word ‘bind’ means ‘to close.’ The word ‘seal’ means practically the same—’to cap off, to enclose.’ This is exactly what the apostles did with the message which the ‘Stone’ and ‘Rock’ gave them. 8:15-16). Already labeled as rebels, the situation was made worse by their teaching that the Levitical/Temple system was obsolete—to be superseded by the spiritual realities of the New Covenant. Flavius Arrianus also wrote other works, most notably, he wrote under the name of ‘ Ptolemy ’. Therefore, the Gospel that Paul preached did not come from any of the other apostles—it came directly from Jesus Christ (Gal. © 2020 A&E Television Networks, LLC. 17:1-9). “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. “But they're already asking the question—was it possible or not possible for [Moses] to have written them?”. Indeed, it was fitting that the disciple whom Jesus especially loved was granted the blessing of writing the final book of the New Testament and Bible. The ten northern tribes known as the house of Israel were never part of the Jewish nation, which was known as the house of Judah. For this reason, the Gospel of Matthew, at least in a very basic form in Aramaic, is considered the first Gospel and placed first in the New Testament, although the Gospel of Mark is probably the first in a completed form. In his First Epistle, when Peter addressed the elders of the churches, he referred back to this vision of the glory of the transfigured Christ. Scholars have investigated the issue for centuries, but many questions persist. 3, pp. By far the largest section of the New Testament is made of the Epistles that are attributed to Paul of Tarsus. When we understand the status of Moses, then we will understand why Jesus chose Peter, James and John to be special eyewitnesses of His glory, and what this choice meant in regard to writing and canonizing the New Testament. Both John Calvin and Martin Luther shared this judgment as far as the sixteenth century. Revelation was written to reveal to the people of God what the world will be like in the end times. It is clear that they knew who he was and recognized his apostolic authority. A Google search for "who wrote the New Testament" will result in a Wiki article that addresses the authorship question. New York: Oxford. Only those who have the Spirit of God, love God and keep His commandments will fully understand. 4:18-20; Luke 5:1-9). Whoever wrote the New Testament book of 2 Peter claimed to be Peter. “Names are attached to the titles of the Gospels (‘the Gospel according to Matthew’),” writes Bible scholar Bart Ehrman in his book Jesus, Interrupted. READ MORE: Inside the Conversion Tactics of the Early Christian Church. When Peter addressed the multitudes on Pentecost 30 AD, he demonstrated that he understood the difference between the Jews (the house of Judah) and the Israelites (the house of Israel) by specifically addressing both groups (Acts 2:14, 22). “Then great fear came upon the whole church, and upon all who heard these things. Idolatry and false teachings were decisively forbidden (Deut. For years, the book “The True Authorship of the New Testament” has been out and many persons have been discovering this as well. The Twelve Apostles: The word apostle means “one sent bearing authority.” The apostles were personally commissioned by Jesus Christ to bear His authority and were sent in His name to preach the Gospel in all the world. After the resurrection, these three would become especially powerful witnesses, greater than the rest of the twelve apostles in preaching and performing miracles. The Gospel of Mark was obviously written by Mark under Peter’s supervision. Thirteen books in all, in fact. And as you are going, proclaim, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’ ” (Matt. Hiebert writes: “The book of Revelation makes serious demands upon the would-be interpreter…. Some manuscripts indicate who wrote them (Paul, for instance), and for those that don't, church history supports the "standard" authorship of books such as Matthew and Mark. Afterwards, James believed, as did his other half-brothers, because all of Jesus’ brothers, along with His mother Mary, were in the assembly of the original 120 disciples mentioned in Acts 1:14. The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. Growing up in Tarsus, he must have been educated in the Roman schools and by the local rabbis as well. Saul was taught there by Gamaliel, a Pharisee, the most renowned Jewish teacher of his day. Luke writes to the influential Theophilus, a man of great standing and prominent status. Both of these epistles have many phrases which recall, or are identical with those of the first epistle” (Ibid., p. 218). Hiebert relates, “The early Church had no doubts concerning the authenticity of I Peter. By that time, through the preaching of the disciples, God had raised up a great number of Gentile believers in Antioch, the first converts to be called “Christians.” The apostles sent Barnabas to minister to them, but there were so many disciples that Barnabas went to Tarsus and found Paul and brought him to Antioch to help him minister to them (Acts 11:20-26). Prior to ascending to heaven, Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power from the Holy Spirit, stating, “[You] shall be My witnesses, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Dr. Ernest L. Martin, a noted biblical scholar, commented on the meaning of the prophecy of Isaiah 8:16: “Christ did not mean that He would personally add to the Law and the Prophets by composing books of His own. Moses had God’s stamp of authority. Indeed, there were numerous eyewitnesses who contributed firsthand accounts in the compilation of the Gospels. Just as Moses wrote and canonized the first five books of the Old Testament, they would help write and then finalize the complete New Testament. Second and Third John: The similarity in content, language and style of these two short Epistles clearly demonstrates that they were written by the apostle John. The twelve disciples who were ordained by Jesus as apostles were the primary eyewitnesses, and we can accept their writings and testimonies as the truth. When Jesus selected the twelve apostles, Peter was named first (Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14). “But these titles are later additions to the Gospels, provided by editors and scribes to inform readers who the editors thought were the authorities behind the different versions.”. In the book of Acts, we find that whenever the apostles proclaimed Jesus Christ and His resurrection, they emphatically declared that they were His witnesses. Luke’s account in the first chapter of Acts provides clues: “And after entering Jerusalem, they [the apostles and other disciples] went up into the upper chamber, where both Peter and James were staying; and John and Andrew; Philip and Thomas; Bartholomew and Yet, in spite of this, when Jesus began His ministry, they did not become His disciples. Jude was a special eyewitness of Jesus’ life—he lived with Jesus, talked with Him, ate with Him, and worked with Him on a daily basis. Moreover, Jesus had a close relationship with John, whom He greatly loved (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20). Four years later, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Barnabas and Paul were ordained as apostles—and soon afterwards were sent on their first evangelistic tour (Acts 13:1-4). The Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, tell the story of the life of Jesus.Yet only one—the Gospel of John—claims to be an eyewitness account, the testimony of the unnamed “disciple whom Jesus loved.” (“This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true” [John 21:24]). Rather than being independent accounts of the life of Jesus, the gospels of Matthew and Luke can be shown to have borrowed heavily from Mark, in some instances even copying him almost verbatim. (Read II Peter 2 in its entirety to understand the full force of Peter’s condemnation of false teachers.). First Peter: The apostle Peter wrote the First Epistle that bears his name. 1, p. 114). One of the most interesting features in all of John’s writings is his use of contrasting opposites that show the difference between the way of God and the way of Satan and the world—the light of God vs. the darkness of the devil. The 27-book New Testament was first formally canonized during the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa. The majority of New Testament scholars agree that Mark’s gospel was written first out of all four gospels. And in those days, Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (now the number of names together was about a hundred and twenty)” (Acts 1:9-15). Who were they? In the centuries to come, the Bible would only become more central to the lives and faiths of millions of people around the world, despite the mystery surrounding its origins and the ongoing, complex debate over its authorship. Apparently, the apostasy was so powerful and the situation was so desperate that Jude urged believers to earnestly fight for the original “faith once delivered” to the saints (Jude 3-4). While strongly condemning false teachers, Peter exhorts believers to be diligent and to develop godly Christian character through faith and the understanding that they are perfected through the love of God (1:5-11). The prophet Isaiah actually foretold that the disciples of Jesus Christ would write what would become the New Testament: “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples” (Isa. 111:10). The New Testament contains multiple versions of the life and teachings of Jesus. Fourteen of the New Testament Epistles were written by Paul. Christ—”the faithful Witness” (Rev. Other scholars don't agree on two complete sources for the non-priestly material. combined into the single, multi-layered work we know today. When all of the events described in Revelation have been fulfilled, Jesus proclaimed that His work will be done—the end will have arrived. RESPONSE: We can use the New Testament to back that up. It is fitting that what Genesis began, Revelation finishes. Contrary to such theories and opinions, compilation of the Gospels actually began quite early—within one year after Jesus’ death and resurrection—not decades later. Traditionally believed to have been written by Joshua and Samuel themselves, they’re now often lumped in with Deuteronomy due to their similar style and language. In fact, it must have been common knowledge from the very beginning. Who wrote the books of the New Testament? Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. The writer of Revelation identifies himself four times as “John” (1:1, 4, 9; 22:8). **Who wrote the old and new versions of the Bible? Indeed, the apostles and disciples of Christ—who were eyewitnesses of His life and ministry—were the ones who wrote the New Testament. 17:1-9). The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts: Concerning Luke’s Gospel, Hiebert wrote: “Although the name of the author nowhere appears in it, the third [G]ospel does not present itself as an anonymous work…. Yet nearly from the beginning, readers of the Bible observed that there were things in the so-called Five Books of Moses that Moses himself could not possibly have witnessed: His own death, for example, occurs near the end of Deuteronomy. New Testament Greek The New Testament is written in so-called 'koiné' Greek, the quality of which varies from writer to writer. A reading of the Old Testament revealed to the apostles that it was they who were to be responsible for writing and selecting the documents which would comprise the New Testament” (Martin, Restoring the Original Bible, p. 297). Since Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life,” He was and is a true Witness of God. The Epistles are not detailed histories of events covering many years—as are the Gospels and the book of Acts—and were generally composed by one person over a short period of time. It brings the eschatological expectations of the Church to their fitting conclusion [with the return of Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of the kingdom of God]” (Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament, vol. He usually dictated his Epistles to a scribe. Rather, Luke used the accounts of numerous eyewitnesses to compile his Gospel. Moses was considered a prophet par excellence because 1) he spoke to God face-to-face, 2) wrote the Law, 3) canonized the first five books of the Bible and, 4) led the children of Israel to the Promised Land. And we are His witnesses of these things, as is also the Holy Spirit, which God has given to those who obey Him” (Acts 5:29-32). The letters to Timothy and Titus differ from the writing style … Luke writes of disciples who, from the beginning, had been “eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word.” Who are these “eyewitnesses”? Hiebert writes: “Certain features are consistent with [the Gospel’s] traditional association with Peter…. And he was with them, coming in and going out in Jerusalem, and speaking boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus. The Epistle of Jude: In the first verse of this short Epistle, the author identifies himself as the brother of James. All Rights Reserved. Undoubtedly among the 120 were the 70 disciples that Jesus sent to preach the Gospel in various villages and cities to prepare His way (Luke 10:1-20). All these were steadfastly continuing with one accord in prayer and supplications, together with the women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. Ehrman, Bart D. (2004). The Pastoral Epistles Are Forgeries. In fact, there is no place in the New Testament where Christ or the apostles authorized any man to assume the exalted office and title of pope, or “holy father.” Jesus commanded the apostles never to call any man “Rabbi” or “Father.” Such an exalted religious position is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Who set an example of love and service during His entire ministry (Matt. A volume of the Talmud, the collection of Jewish laws recorded between the 3rd and 5th centuries A.D., dealt with this inconsistency by explaining that Joshua (Moses’ successor as leader of the Israelites) likely wrote the verses about Moses’ death. Abelard Reuchlin. Jesus was the ultimate Witness, giving His life for the truth of God. Later, he went into Arabia for three years, during which time Christ personally taught him in visions. Three were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life, His transfiguration and ministry—the apostles Peter, James and John. More than half of its contents are also contained in 1 John. 6:11). Instead, says Baden, they see a much more gradual process, in which material from numerous smaller sources was layered together over a longer period of time. As a tax collector, Matthew must have been well educated and skilled in record keeping. The Gospel of John: The historical acceptance of the apostle John as author of the Gospel of John is based on an ancient source. No doubt Jude witnessed these events firsthand. In the third chapter of Acts, Peter referred to Jesus as “the Author of life Whom God has raised from the dead, whereof we are witnesses” (Acts 3:15). After being baptized by Ananias, Saul remained in Damascus for a short time, testifying that Jesus was the Christ (Acts 9:19-22). WHO WROTE THE NEW TESTAMENT?. Add to all of this the fact that the apostles had to deal with corruption and apostasy within the ranks of the Church itself. Close it shut…. Matthew; James, the son of Alpheus, and Simon the Zealot; and Jude, the brother of James [the eleven apostles]. The Gospel of Mark: This Gospel is unique in that its writer, Mark, was probably a teenager during Jesus’ ministry. [It] is certain that Theophilus, the original recipient of the [G]ospel, knew the writer’s identity. “You read along and you say, I don’t know how many animals Noah took on the ark with him,” he says. Apparently the only Epistle that Paul wrote with his own hand was that addressed to the Galatians (Gal. Through preaching, miracles, and wonders, the authority of the apostles was fully established. When Daniel desired to understand the prophecies that God had given to him, an angel of God told him that it was not for him to know their meaning. As a Levite, Matthew would have had knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures. They were to “bind up the testimony” and “seal the law”—to complete the Testimony and teach the true spiritual meaning of the law. from RomanPisoHomepageBookshelf Website The authorship of the New Testament books have been discovered. The greatest challenge was faced by the prophets, who were often martyred for their corrective messages. Mary Magdalene contributed as well to the compilation of the Gospels. Because human testimony is sometimes fallible, God commanded that disputes and critical issues be settled on the word of two or three witnesses (see Deut. The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation: The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation complement one another. The entire book of Revelation is much like the parables that Jesus spoke. The rest of the book of Acts is Luke’s eyewitness account of the apostle Paul’s ministry. The seven General Epistles were written by James, the brother of Jesus, Peter, John and Jude, another of Jesus’ brothers, who apparently was ordained an apostle to succeed James after the latter was martyred in 62 AD. Then he officially finalized, or canonized, the books and gave them to the priests for safekeeping (Deut. Later, in a similar situation, Peter concluded his response by saying, “And we are His witnesses of these things… (Acts 5:32). The New Testament and all the characters in it – Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist – are all fictional.”. There is no indication of Saul’s age when he went to Gamaliel’s school. He places himself on a level with the apostle Paul (3:15), identifies himself as the writer of a previous epistle (3:1), and recalls the Lord’s prediction concerning his death (1:14)” (Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament, vol. There are fourteen letters (Epistles) attributed to Paul. About a third of the 27 New Testament books do not name their author, and scholars dispute the authorship of about another third, leaving only about a … Matthew's report that Jeus was born during the life time of King Herod who died in 4 BC verses Luke's report that Jesus was born during Quirinius's census of Judea in 6 AD. But Paul was not the person who actually took a writing instrument to a sheet of papyrus and wrote the epistle from beginning to end. In both, the language is simple and direct, revealing the spiritual love and power of God the Father and Jesus Christ. And many signs and wonders were done among the people by the hands of the apostles…” (verses 11-12). Moreover, because the chronology of the Gospel of John follows the progression of the annual holy days, it gives us an accurate, year-by-year time frame for Jesus’ ministry. Because of the magnitude of the life and ministry of Christ—God manifested in the flesh—Jesus did not simply select two or three witnesses as required under Old Testament law. Christ had so established the power and authority of Peter and the other apostles that when Ananias and his wife Sapphira lied to Peter, they fell over dead (Acts 5:1-10). 1:1). Within a year after Christ’s crucifixion, the apostles had fully devoted themselves to the “ministry of the Word” (Acts 6:4). He wrote about the apostle John, ‘His Gospel, which is known to all the churches under heaven, must be acknowledged as genuine.’ In the same chapter [Eusebius] asserts, ‘But of the writings of John, not only his Gospel, but also the former of his [E]pistles, have been accepted without dispute both now and in ancient times” (Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament, vol. 1:19). When the apostle James wrote his Epistle to the twelve tribes of Israel, he knew exactly where they were located: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes, which are in the dispersion: Greetings!” (James 1:1.) However, from Jesus’ instructions, it is evident that He meant this commission to be carried out continuously in every generation until His return (Matt. When the style and language of John’s First Epistle is compared with that of the Gospel of John, there can be no question that the apostle John wrote these books. 1, pp. God used him to raise up numerous churches throughout Asia Minor, Galatia, Greece, Rome, Italy, Spain and perhaps other countries not mentioned in the book of Acts. For you are witnesses of these things‘ ” (Luke 24:45-48). Also, Luke noted that all of Jesus’ half-brothers were counted among the original 120 disciples (Acts 1:14). There was no question that God was working through Peter, John, and the rest of the apostles by the power of the Holy Spirit. A Google search for "who wrote the New Testament" will result in a Wiki article that addresses the authorship question. The epistolary method enabled Paul to stress the truths of Christianity again and again in different contexts and with different applications, all according to the needs of his readers…. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. The apostles were to “bind up the testimony and seal the law,” which meant they were to write the New Testament, showing that Christ’s teachings made the Law complete by revealing the spiritual meaning and intent of the laws and commandments of God. Hiebert writes, “The book of Revelation is the true capstone of the Bible. The first chapter of Revelation marks the beginning of the end—as Jesus said, ” ‘I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDING,‘ says the Lord, ‘Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come—the Almighty’ ” (1:8). Mark identifies himself as the one who fled naked when Jesus was arrested on the night before His crucifixion (Mark 14:51-52). Seeing Jesus in His glorified form was an awesome spiritual experience for John, the disciple whom Jesus especially loved. Note Peter’s powerful answer, for example, in Acts 4:5-12 when he and John were brought before the Sanhedrin for healing a man. This prophecy clearly indicates that God did not leave the writing of the most important book in the world to those who were not disciples of Jesus Christ or eyewitnesses of His ministry. Paul used Luke quite extensively, along with Silas, Timothy, and perhaps Mark and others as scribes. Those first five books were filled with contradictory, repetitive material, and often seemed to tell different versions of the Israelites’ story even within a single section of text. The Church was greatly affected by these events. Later, after 60 AD, Mark was with Peter in Babylon (I Pet. However, it is probable that he replaced James as the overseer of the Church in Jerusalem after James was martyred in 62 AD. Undoubtedly, this is why the style and language of Peter’s Second Epistle is so different from that of his First Epistle. Nobody we know. And to say the least, it was an unpopular Gospel—one that challenged preexisting Messianic ideas and provoked outrage among the Jewish leadership. They are the ones who “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” and again, they are those who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14-16). 1:16). It wasn't Jesus or anybody who knew Jesus. When the internal evidence is examined, there is little doubt that Peter wrote this Epistle. It’s well known that the apostle Paul wrote much of the New Testament. 31:9). The Gospel of Luke differs from the other Gospels inasmuch as Luke was not an eyewitness of Christ’s ministry as were Matthew, Mark and John. It was the apostles who wrote the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, directed by Jesus under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ specifically chose those who would bear true witness of His teachings and ministry. “The two of them are not really related to each other in any significant way,” Baden explains, “except that they're both giving laws and telling a story of Israel's early history.”. Of heaven is at hand ’ ” ( verse 36 ) the 27-book New Testament was miraculously written finally., saying, ‘ the kingdom of heaven is at hand ’ ” ( Pet..., and wonders were done among the 12 disciples who walked with Christ his! 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