We cannot speak of the goodness or not of your beef. FDA Regulations. I agree with the other commenters that you can usually tell when meat has gone off. See USDA's topic portal, and if in doubt, throw it out. Anyway, cooked beef shouldn't smell the same way as raw beef, just in the same way that bread out of a package smells different from toast. While some spoiled meat may have an offensive odor both raw and while cooking, other potentially harmful meat may have no noticeable smell at all. FDA Regulations. Color: Ground beef that is gone bad may have a slightly flat gray color.However, the USDA notes that the interior of packaged ground beef can be gray or brown while the surface is red; this is due to lack of oxygen penetrating below the surface of the meat and is not necessarily a sign the meat has gone bad. I've smelled it in frozen dinners and freshly cooked meats. If there is a strong smell, avoid eating it. When cooking, you'll notice that some smells are more pungent than others, but what constitutes sweet or sour is subjective and vague. If it matters, I'm planning on refrigerating some of it for a few days. Luckily, there are numerous things you can do to tell if your ground beef is spoiled from the time you see it in the market until the time you eat it. Hey all, quick question which I'm sure you've had a hundred times, but google and reddit search are failing me on any reliably concrete answers. I put it the wok to brown, and it started to smell quite sweet. Farmers play an important role in keeping the beef supply in the U.S. safe to eat. For ground beef or pork, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends cooking it to an internal temperature of 160 degrees. Sounds OK, right? A spoiled steak will have a potent odor that no longer smells like raw … As for the post itself, I definitely understand the difficulty in answering it. For example, Listeria monocytogenes, present in spoiled luncheon meats and hot dogs, sets in within 9 to 48 hours, according to MayoClinic.com. If the meat smells foul or sour, then it needs discarded. Spoilage produces a sour smell or a deep, rancid smell. These are the signs that your ground beef is no longer good. Smell the ground beef. FDA regulations require ground beef to contain 73% lean beef and 27% fat. Was there anything else in the wok with it? Press J to jump to the feed. When it doubt, throw it out. My grandpa was a gov't meat inspector. If an unsafe product is identified, a recall is issued as an example of the U.S. food safety system working to remove the product from commerce. These signs could mean that there are pathogenic bacteria like salmonella or E. Coli contaminating your ground beef. I don’t blame you if cooking meat makes you nervous. It wasn't a rotten or bad smell, it was almost sweet and sickening. That's fair enough. There are three things to look for to determine the quality of your ground beef: color, smell and feel. What You Should Know About the Recent Beef Recall, This Is the Only No-Fail Way to Tell If an Egg Is Bad, How to Make a Perfect Burger: A Step-by-Step Guide, The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskCulinary community. It stunk like cow manure. All rights reserved. Anyone have similar experiences or was mine just contaminated with cow feces? It Has an Off-Putting Smell. FDA regulations require ground beef to contain 73% lean beef and 27% fat. Can you eat spoiled meat if you cook it? we aren't in your kitchen or with you at the store. Feel the surface of the ground beef. Ground/minced beef smells fine raw, but bad while cooking. Fresh ground beef is usually cool to the touch, smooth, and slightly damp. Thanks for the tips on meat in general though. Fresh beef will have a slight smell, but beef starting to go bad will smell rotten or sour. © 2020 Discovery or its subsidiaries and affiliates. For best results, use ground beef within one to two days of purchase, or freeze it in its original packaging for up to four months. I've cooked the everloving christ out of it (not really asking for technique tips, I'm only cooking for myself so it's good enough for me), and the smell's largely gone away, to the point where it's being overpowered by the slightly starchy smell of the rice cooking beside it. Many types of spoiled meat will exhibit a soured smell when cooking. Your friend should take the butcher a sample and give him the opportunity to make it right. I opened the microwave to check on the meat and the smell got much stronger. Hey all, quick question which I'm sure you've had a hundred times, but google and reddit search are failing me on any reliably concrete answers. I would also consider that the meat itself was fine, but that one of the seasonings you used on it was instead the problem, whether it was old herbs, rancid sauce, etc. Taste cooked ground beef carefully to see if it has an off-flavor or taste. While the bulk of us may have to wait for ... if you find yourself with ground meat that has gone past the sell by date by more than a day or two, just cook it (but never cook it if it smells bad). She is the author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day. It smelled fine coming out of the packet, no browning or anything. As a result, you can become sick and even die if you eat a bad steak. I've smelled it in beef, chicken, and pork in the past. See what I mean? If you're looking for a safety answer, if the raw meat looked and smelled fine (of course, we don't know how you're defining "fine"), then it probably is. Whether it’s inexpensive ground beef or a dry-aged steak that you’re now truly invested in, you want to make sure you’ve picked out something fresh. All tainted meat, whether it's beef, pork, chicken or veal, gets a slimy residue on it when it has gone bad — even in highly processed proteins like bacon and deli meats. You've had GE and salmonella in the past so you already have some idea of what's at stake if you decide to roll the dice. A few weeks ago I made tacos and used ground beef that had been in our freezer for about a week or so. Smell the ground beef. It wasn't a rotten or bad smell, it was almost sweet and sickening. Smell and visually examine at your ground beef, and if it’s brown or an off odor, those could be signs that your ground beef is spoiled. If there's a better place to post this, please let me know and I'll stop wasting your time. Discard the ground beef if you notice a rancid odor to prevent consuming spoiled meat. Use your senses to detect spoiled lamb meat. If the meat smells foul or sour, then it needs discarded. We asked a registered dietitian to share what you can do to pick good meat every time. For ground poultry, it's 165 degrees. The biggest risk factor when it comes to ground beef is Salmonella and E. coli. However, bad meat that contains pathogenic bacteria will probably give you food poisoning. “Everyone plays an important role in beef safety – from the cattlemen and women who continually invest in and learn from beef safety research studies, to the various government entities that are responsible for enacting and overseeing food safety regulations and inspections,” says Carr. Perform a smell test. If the ground beef is gray on the inside and outside, chances are, it has spoiled. All thoughts, however, are my own. Both of these processes create new molecules, many of which are volatile and able to be smelled easier. Fresh ground beef smells clean and has no strong odor. I am a member of the Beef Expert Bureau which is part of the Beef Checkoff. Even if we did, it would mostly just taste and smell very bad. Sounds OK, right? About 30 mins into it, I checked it while simmering. But ground beef that's starting to go bad can feel slimy, tacky, or sticky. I had to leave the kitchen for a while … These bacteria don’t affect the color of ground beef (nor the smell), so it’s super important to store ground beef properly in the refrigerator and cook it within a few days of purchasing it.The USDA also recommends cooking ground beef to an internal temperature of 160°F before serving it. By sweet do you mean it reminded you of a barbecue sauce, or a cake, or fruit? Definitely didn't contaminate it myself, the package was sealed completely until I opened it to cook, and it went straight in the wok. I'll keep it in mind. I am not advocating wasting food but heat doesnt kill everything and it can make you very very sick. Your nose will know, even if you don't necessarily make the connection. Lately, I have been making it a point to smell my meat before I cook it because the store I usually go to has been selling bad … Hi Kelly, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. Vague. A hint of an off odor can indicate that the meat has expired. Even though it doesn't fit, I guess I'll answer your question: I have no idea what a "sweet smell" means. Food spoilage is simply an umbrella term for the various signs that communicate to your senses of smell, sight, or touch, that you should not eat the food. A simple sniff test will confirm that for you. So far I've cooked the ground beef and one roast. Second, the touch test. Will try to be more accurate in future. ** I am a member of the Beef Expert Bureau which is part of the Beef Checkoff. If there are other types of uncooked meat, then I believe beef goes on either the same shelf as or higher than the others. There are three main ways to tell that ground beef is bad. Even a "yeah, minced beef can smell bad when you put it on to cook but that doesn't necessarily mean it's off" is enough to put my mind at ease a bit. Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN**, is a registered dietitian and consultant who specializes in food safety and culinary nutrition. Raw steak doesn’t necessarily smell the greatest, but you’ll usually be able to tell a distinct difference between a good, fresh steak and a spoiled one just by using your nose. Here's how to know if you could be affected. Meat that's going bad smells really bad. At one time I thought it might have had something to do with the cooking process, but I just don't know. Always remember — when in doubt, throw it out! I dumped the meat down the disposal, but is this normal? “No one cares more about the health and wellness of their cattle than farmers and ranchers. When you have exactly one package of uncooked meat in your fridge, put it on the bottom shelf. For ground beef or pork, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends cooking it … A few days ago I purchased a pound of ground beef from the supermarket, it was already on clearance when purchased. Honestly, I just don't like it. Fresh ground beef smells clean and has no strong odor. He always said if you were unsure, cook the meat. Hamburger meat that smells rancid or sour, like vinegar, has probably spoiled; this applies to both cooked and raw hamburger meat. Ground chuck must contain no less than 80% lean beef and no more than 20% fat, while ground round should contain 85% lean beef and 15% fat. Though the scent of fresh ground beef is barely perceptible, rancid meat has a tangy, putrid odor. Oil, onions? The cooking process also kills most - but not all - microbes. “If it starts to smell funky, just toss it.” She only butchers grassfed meat, which sometimes has a strong grassy scent, and says “normal ground beef should smell light, fresh, bright; if it starts to smell sour, musty or fishy” it’s time for it to go. When Cooking: All ground meat products should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160-degrees Fahrenheit If it’s slimy, that’s not normal. Is Seltzer As Hydrating As Regular Water? I've smelled it in diners and nicer restaurants. It applies to both raw and cooked ground beef. If you don't feel comfortable eating the beef, throw it away. In the future, you'll get better answers if you can say that it smells strongly like another food. I wouldn't say that the scent is necessarily unpleasant, but it's slightly sour, and has an almost buttery or "farm" smell to it. Fresh ground beef may have a mild iron smell, but if it starts to smell rotten (beef tends to get a funky sweet odor), you should err on the side of caution and throw it out. It doesn't smell sweet so much as just rancid. Aside from that, no. As another poster mentioned, usually words like "putrid" are used to describe bad meat. “These facilities not only comply with required USDA food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) testing, but invest millions of dollars each year to implement food safety steps and test beef products to ensure beef safety,” explains Carr. To determine if your ground beef if spoiled, use your senses. Spoiled lamb meat gives off an odor that smells like eggs that have rotted. Put it back into the refrigerator. Not overpoweringly, vomit-inducingly sweet, just unpleasant. If the ground beef is gray on the inside and outside, chances are, it has spoiled. I put it in the microwave to defrost and after a couple minutes or so I smelled something strange. I've smelled it in beef, chicken, and pork in the past. I haven't encountered it regularly, but on several occasions over the years. It also loses its fresh red color and appears gray. Fresh ground meat will only have a fresh meat smell that does not smell questionable. I kinda expected the post itself to see a fair number of downvotes, but to see them in the comments is kinda confusing; these are people who took the time to go into the post, read what was said, and then downvote without comment. Beware of spoilage if it is slick, slimy or sticky to the touch. Here's the relevant bit I picked out of the sidebar: While we are happy to answer general food safety questions, we're less comfortable with questions about the specific pot of soup you left out on the counter. I've never cooked beef and have it smell before. I just bought raw ground beef last night and stored it in the fridge until this morning when I made meatballs with it that are now cooking in the slow cooker on low for eight hours. If you've cooked bad meat, it's not guaranteed to make you sick. Or stashed ground beef in the freezer only to wonder months later if it’s still edible? . I don't think the internet is going to be able to give you a satisfactory answer about that smell you describe. Ground chuck must contain no less than 80% lean beef and no more than 20% fat, while ground round should contain 85% lean beef and 15% fat. I just bought a bunch of grass fed ground beef, roasts, and steaks. Taste cooked ground beef carefully to see if it has an off-flavor or taste. Have you ever brought home a package of ground beef and left it sitting in your fridge wondering if it’s still safe to prepare days later? A simple sniff test will confirm that for you. From the time you pick up that ground beef to purchase it, until the time you eat it, there are things you can do in order to help ensure it’s safe to eat. This is because most of us won't eat food that smells bad or feels slimy. Fresh ground meat will only have a fresh meat smell that does not smell questionable. Consumers often select ground beef that's bright red in color, assuming this is a sign of freshness but a dark gray-purple meat may not necessarily be a bad thing. Bad beef smells really really bad and you would not have to put your nose close to the meat to smell it. Here are the tips you need for cooking the best possible burgers in your own backyard. Bit of a novice at the whole cooking malarky, trying to eat a bit more healthily, so forgive me if this is an incredibly basic question. Since then, the beef has turned grey all throughout, and has a slight scent to it. If it smells bad, it is. Another symptom of bad lamb is that it's slimy, and the surest test of spoilage is if the meat tastes bad. ... All meat will shrink in size and weight while cooking. If you can, buy your meat from a reputable butcher/grocery store that uses good meat and stores it safely. Healthy animals are the first step in safe beef.” Once the cows reach the processing facilities, there are many steps taken to humanely harvest cattle with a focus on food safety. A few days ago I purchased a pound of ground beef from the supermarket, it was already on clearance when purchased. What does bad ground beef smell like? No one wants to get sick from bad meat. I have had beef that is a little brownish in place and it was fresh and not old. Hey guy, good luck with your meal. If the meat smells sour, don't devour. I put it in the microwave to defrost and after a couple minutes or so I smelled something strange. Put frozen hamburger into a plastic bag and set it in a bowl or on a plate. Beware of spoilage if it is slick, slimy or sticky to the touch. When you're cooking ground meat, it's important to keep internal cooking temperatures in mind. Second, the touch test. The smell is produced from gases made by some of the bacteria on your beef. On occasion, there are recalls on ground beef. Signs Ground Beef Has Gone Bad. Spoiled meat also tends to have a slimy and dull finish to it, and may have discoloration on its surface. Feel the surface of the ground beef. Either way, thank you for taking the time. While bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli are destroyed when the meat is cooked and has reached a 150°F internal temperature, several other bacteria are immune to heat and cold and will survive any freezing or cooking process, making the meat unsafe to eat. Anyway, cooked beef shouldn't smell the same way as raw beef, just in the same way that bread out of a package smells different from toast. Possibly? I don't have any better advice for you. I wouldn't say that the scent is necessarily unpleasant, but it's slightly sour, and has an almost buttery or "farm" smell to it. If the meat smells sour, don't devour. Ground beef will begin to brown on the outside and put off an unappealing odor when it begins to turn bad. “I always tell customers, your nose knows,” says Sanchez. If you're not going to cook it within a day or two, freeze the meat when you get home. Beef muscle meat is a great protein source in many people’s diets.It can be easily purchased from butchers and found it many food stores.Beef can be stored in the fridge or freezer for later use; however, the longer it is stored the easier it is for beef to spoil.Eating spoiled beef can risk the development of food-borne illnesses.. If you check the sub, there should be a fairly recent question about how to store multiple types of uncooked meat in a fridge. At one time I thought it might have had something to do with the cooking process, but I just don't know. However, other spoilage bacteria will present no visible clues. I opened the microwave to check on the meat and the smell got much stronger. Especially when found in conjunction with other indicators of spoilage, such brown or gray areas on the surface of raw ground beef, an off odor is always a bad sign. I've smelled it in diners and nicer restaurants. Spoilage bacteria are generally not harmful but cause food to lose quality and develop a bad odor and taste ( 3 ). Here are ways to choose the best meat and to protect yourself and your family from foodborne illnesses. For best results, use ground beef within one to two days of purchase, or freeze it in its original packaging for up to four months. The meat is sooo different and has a yucky type of smell to it. Just follow your nose and gut. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cook ground beef as soon as possible after thawing and always cook ground beef to 160°F and verify with a meat thermometer. Dangers of Spoiled Ground Beef; Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images . But ground beef that's starting to go bad can feel slimy, tacky, or sticky. If it smells off, give it to the dog. Spoilage produces a sour smell or a deep, rancid smell. Spoilage is also caused by bacteria, but the bacteria that cause spoilage will not make you sick. Fresh ground beef may have a mild iron smell, but if it starts to smell rotten (beef tends to get a funky sweet odor), you should err on the side of caution and throw it out. Smell the ground beef when you remove it from the package. I downvoted your post because I think it doesn't fit the subreddit. Right, understood on the first paragraph. Spoilage is a function of freshness (or lack thereof), where… Cleaning agents possibly? Always store meat refrigerated or … Cooking some mince today. “If a recall is necessary, FSIS notifies the public through a Recall Release distributed to media outlets where the product was distributed and is posted on the USDA-FSIS website,” says Carr who recommends consumers dispose of or return the product to the location where they purchased the product. Touch the ground beef. Cooking produces certain reactions - here, Maillard browning, and fat oxidation. I was using a different oil to normal, but it smelled fine until the meat went in. Meat that spoiled raw will not hurt you. There was oil, yes, but that was heated before the meat went in, and it wasn't creating the offending odor then. *This article was written and/or reviewed by an independent registered dietitian nutritionist. I've smelled it in frozen dinners and freshly cooked meats. Spoilage and pathogenic bacteria may both affect ground beef. ... Ground/minced beef smells fine raw, but bad while cooking. If the meat smells bad, you may want to discard it into an outdoor trashcan because it can make your house smell bad. Since then, the beef has turned grey all throughout, and has a slight scent to it. Defrost it by putting it in the fridge a day before cooking. Smell the ground beef when you remove it from the package. Now, let's talk about ways to avoid bad meat. A hint of an off odor can indicate that the meat has expired. The smell, however, was noticeably different from the smell of beef cooking. Believe me, he doesn't want a whispering campaign for something he can legit correct. But what happens if the meat sat around in the fridge for a couple days, or was frozen and doesn’t look quite as vibrantly red anymore? Mandy Carr, PhD, Senior Executive Director, Science, Culinary and Outreach at National Cattleman’s Beef Association, a contractor to the, “proper cooking is a critical step in beef safety.". All thoughts, however, are my own. Further, the heating allows more of these aroma molecules to jump off the beef, and into your nose. Fresh ground beef is usually cool to the touch, smooth, and slightly damp. You would know there was something wrong. Symptoms of food poisoning may include headache, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. I don't know exactly why it … Possibly contaminated during production? Once it goes bad, it’s no longer safe to eat. Edit: Instead of downvoting the shit out of my comments, which isn't helpful, why not either downvote the post itself, or actually answer me? If you're looking for a safety answer, if the raw meat looked and smelled fine (of course, we don't know how you're defining "fine"), then it probably is. /r/AskCulinary provides expert guidance for your specific cooking problems to help people of all skill levels become better cooks, to increase understanding of cooking, and to share valuable culinary knowledge. Point is, is the meat bad/likely to try and stage a coup in my GI tract, or am I just turned off by the smell of cooking meat? Because who knows how long it's been in the fridge? A few weeks ago I made tacos and used ground beef that had been in our freezer for about a week or so. What does bad meat smell like when cooking? It was slightly nutty, very sour, and missing an animal flavor. So I was cooking some stew meat. If it smells off but doesn't seem like it's that bad, I suggest tasting a very small bit to see if it tastes off as well. I browned it, then added water to boil it for several hours. You’re not alone, and this head-scratching issue certainly can make you worry that your tasty meal might make someone sick. Food poisoning generally sets in within 8 to 48 hours of eating the contaminated food, depending on the bacteria or toxin responsible. Cooking some mince today. I haven't encountered it regularly, but on several occasions over the years. 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