Why is Stavanger about to celebrate National Day this Sunday? The Norwegian embassy here in India is also shut. Since the strategy is a long term one we have to wait for the long term before making any proper judgment. I am sure there are other people in the same situation as I am…! Hello, I need some information, Is there a spousal exemption? Make sure you have alternate plans.. the country may still be closed. If you’re planning travel to Norway, find out what you need to know about coronavirus there in the Coronavirus section. MM. It sounds so simple, but it is not so easy to make sure you wash your hands often enough. thanks. Any updates regarding how safe is it travelling during this period. it spreads it planes , trains , buses most stay home dont be thoughtless all 61 polish people who contracted viruses travelled internationally. Our thoughts are to wait and see how things are closer to that date. They’re the same as Norway testing protocols.. If you believe you are infected, call your GP. I HAVE BOOKED FROM UK TO OSLO 31ST JULY, WILL IT BE SAFE TO TRAVEL THEN ? Wake up. With today’s ban of events with more than 500 people and the following announcement that they are considering reducing that to 50 people, we face the same choice. You should be self distancing from every one not just the elderly and those at risk because of health issues. don’t travel, stay home!!! Germany is 10 - why Iceland is the safest country in the world, information about how Iceland is dealing with the pandemic. Do not scratch your eyes or nose. Fear of flying means something altogether different in the age of the new coronavirus. As you may see the mortality rate in Norway is quite low, compared to the high number of reported cases of COVID-19, which is strange compared to the lower infection rate in Sweden with higher mortality rate. The Norwegian authorities now recommend against all international travel unless absolutely necessary, with that advice valid until mid-January 2021. I hope on the next update you report no more new cases. There were absolutely nothing to worry during all my trip except if there is no cloud to see northern lights ! The announcement was made at 2pm this afternoon – these things take time. Luckily we got all refunds or voucher . Arrivals from these “red countries” will have to quarantine for 10 days, essentially ruling out tourism from those countries. Norway has indeed put in place drastic measures today, see our homepage for more details. Before the ban was lifted on 20 April distancing and care was the norm in all the local shops but now the visitors are overwhelming all the facilities so it is almost certain Covid19 will now spread into all the country areas! Just received a package from the US today, was delivered for shipping april 17 in Tennessee, got to NY in early June, then took ages to reach Norwegian customs. Norway is closed for visitors. After this decision, Norwegians should bear in mind that at every border crossing point they must prove their nationality. Make yourself a protection mask with papertowel ut to 8/10 sheets Registration requirement for all people entering Norway. I’m ekta, from India. I called my hotel and they said they will still be open as normal even though people will be quarantined in their rooms, he said all activities and excursions will be cancelled so not much point visiting Tromso right now! Now l have told all from I find all of the findings of sience comforting – and it’s already saving lives .We know the virus is here , now we need to listen to the advice and sugedtions .I know there are frightened people – we see it hysterical comments – .We need to live reality to keep us safe .Bad behavior have troublesome consequences .. We are, of course, desperate to see each other. Hi! Im now in the airplane to Norway, im finally going home. The WHO does not agree! She is probably older than 85 years old! She is a strong good woman who spent most of her life sewing everything from bridal gowns to beautiful dresses for porcelain dolls. Very disappointed having saved up so long to take our family of 5 on a trip of a lifetime , et medlem av familien min i Norge. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it … I received an unexpected box of chocolates for my birthday from the UK and the value was just GBP£22. I really cant beleive that people are so selfish that they plan to travel. Please everyone stay at home so we can beat this thing, then maybe I can get home, Hello Ian, For now it is buiness as usual in the university and they expect to take most exams as planned in May but have it online-based, except some related to health, music, etc. The individual had recently returned from China. Thank you for this daily report. Another good way to channel your energy: step outside and play a musical instrument. People need to realize that they really should stay home as much as possible and not travel and not even meet friends. We just have a simple medical travel insurance. Please guide. The eye department of Oslo university hospital is closed due to Corona and the doctors there saw patients for 5 days without having an inkling of the fact that they have corona virus. We are due to travel home tomorrow. this is really really bad! Same here. CORONAVIRUS cases in Thailand have increased to 114, with people travelling from the UK and the US warned they could be jailed for a year if failing to have authorised daily health checks. Even if you ARE healthy, you can still be a carrier. Any recommendations? Given the latest news on the coronavirus outbreak centered in China, it’s no surprise that there’s fear about the spread of the disease and concerns about the risks of travel. Many people arriving in Norway now face a mandatory quarantine period. I am Norwegian er now in Moskva Russia. It concerns me that there seems to be a certain complacency about the virus there and an underplaying of the risks. The most ridiculous thing the Government has done is to lift the ban on travel by Cabin owners to visit their second homes at the expense of the larger population as it is statistically clear that isolation has been working. Throughout the pandemic so far, the UK has still been classed as an EU/EEA country. “This is a very important day for Norway, and I am glad that we have now received the vaccine,” said FHI’s Camilla Stoltenberg. I despise staying home; but the thought of overflowing hospitals is so sad that I will continue my self-imposed indefinite home stay. I got my tickets to Oslo just a bit before Covid Outbreak for August, what do you reckon? We’re from Vienna and in January we booked a trip to Norway: Starting on 20 July we wanted to go to Oslo, stay there for 2 days, take the Bergen train to go to Bergen, go onto Hurtigruten for 12 days, stay in Bergen another 3 days and then go back. Travel from certain other non-EU countries is also permitted, as outlined in the following section. I know a lot of people in Norway remain concerned about the latest coronavirus news, along with people planning a trip. . The deadly coronavirus (officially termed COVID-19) has been rapidly spreading through mainland China and other parts of Asia over the last month. You will not be allowed entry to Norway. It’s smart to stay safe than taking a risk just for one trip. Latest updates on traveling to Finland There’s a direct flight from NY to Barcelona. Better be safe than sorry, we can easily say that we are healthy but how sure we are? I'm getting a lot of emails from people asking questions about COVID-19 in Norway. Whoever says ‘all scientific opinion agrees we’ve overestimated the effects’ is simply wrong. My work colleagues from around the globe are all at home,most without salary. That kind of attitude. I fully understand I will be required to wait for as long as it takes for it to become safe for everyone, but I’m just wondering! Since then, the virus has spread around the world. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. The Scandinavian nation advised its citizens on Saturday not to travel abroad for the next month and urged Norwegians outside the country to consider returning home as soon as possible due to the coronavirus outbreak. On Friday they officially closed the office anyway. !Do you,people ,understand how serious the situation is?? stAy were you are , stay safe , plan your holidays later for now health /life is what matters, There is absolutely no restriction for travellers comming from Italy in Norway. Norway stats never seem to report the # of recoveries which by now should be quite a few since most cases resolve (death/recover) within 14-21 days. The Ministry cannot guarantee that it is safe to travel or to stay somewhere. CORONAVIRUS cases in Thailand have increased to 114, with people travelling from the UK and the US warned they could be jailed for a year if failing to have authorised daily health checks. Norway however is not, even when obvious symptoms are reported from someone suffering with covid, they are not tested, so the statistics are not correctly updated like in the rest of the world. Cancel your flight and please do not come here. Since as yesterday most of restaurants and bars… with your travelling obsession you put and other people to risk. good luck. Good job. I live in Oslo , Norway. Before writing, please understand that I have no more information other than what is written here. You can zoom in to study the situation in e.g. The virus has already mutated and if mutates again it may take a danger form and even start to kill young people. But the question is – is it safe to travel to Tenerife? hi, we are visiting norway from 21st april to 28th april from india via doha. 2019–20 Coronavirus Pandemic. Hi, I’m based in Norway so can’t tell you what the quarantine requirements will be in the USA or Spain in August! https://www.nrk.no/slik-endrer-koronaviruset-norge-1.14942428, Still amazing that people are booking trips to Norway, They don’t seem to get it. now visit it they are not doing so. “Those still wishing to enter will be required to enter self-quarantine for 14 days. So far no one on board has become ill. Hi, We had all booked for Visit to Norway , Denmark , Sweden for last week of March. And what Norwegians who want to go abroad, if not now then in the years to come? When can I come home to Oslo Worried as we are both over 60. Think about it, you have to be tested to see if you have it ! Best to postpone or cancel your trip. What's Next For Norway's Travel Industry? Essential travel only. I have a couple of nephews in Oslo who are suffering (!) We’re continually keeping this page up-to-date regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19. Life in Norway’s Most Popular Articles in 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu, https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-the-funeral-home-overwhelmed-by-new-yorks-conveyor-belt-of-death-11965474?fbclid=IwAR1l_peIwfcvSHJs29rOdt7vp3Lo28L1DRDaW-u71HVO5cs89xKBnwCRANM, https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/forskrift-om-endringer-i-forskrift-15.-mars-2020-nr.-293-om-bortvisning-mv.-av-utlendinger-av-hensyn-til-folkehelsen/id2702432/, https://www.lifeinnorway.net/norway-import-tax/, Coronavirus in Norway: The Latest News on the COVID-19 Outbreak. I’ve been home from work for 2 month now. Not only because of his age, but because he is an amassing Norsk man! Although 20+ cases have been reported in Oslo, the University has not taken precautions to keep students safe (no movement to online teaching or closing the university) even though other cities of smaller populations and higher cases have closed them and cancelled public events. This is not over, but will probably see an increase as lock down is over, and people start to travel and work. Travelers from out of state—except for those coming from New York's contiguous states, which are New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont—and from Level 2 or 3 Travel Health Notice countries must test negative for the coronavirus within three days before their departure from their home state or country. Be happy to live secluded and do not meet people, friendship and love are not affected by the freaking virus, use phone, skype but stay isolated. I recommend you to not cancel because corona is everywhere now it doesn’t mean anything if you travel to another country that has corona. I cancelled for the four of us and lost a lot of money. According to figures from the World Health Organization, 80.4 million cases and 1,761,102 deaths have been reported so far. On 10 July, the government also confirmed a new exception for those wishing to visit close family members or partners in Norway. Ferries necessary for Lorries , Ambulances etc, I live in Norway (Stavanger) and went to the UK to visit family and friends in March. So please folks, do you and us a favor and STAY THE FUCK HOME! I talked to her tonight. Spain will be open to international travel by then, but I’m not sure of the situation with Norwegian Airlines. Italian Health System is very good, as also WHO says, but we have 400 deaths per day in last few. I read that another of your readers had criticised this move which l totally agree. Stay safe. Deaths in the USA – If a person dies in the USA from a motorcycle accident and tests positive to Covid, he is now a confirmed death from Covid.. Hi. Our articles: COVID-19 Testing at Iceland Airport - information regarding pre-registration form, testing procedure, Rakning C-19, and more. I hope it will all be over soon or a real cure that works is made asap. First excuse me if I make same mistakes because in my english written. You will probably not be allowed to enter the country. We are most worried about getting stuck in our hotel with all the museums closed and the country on lockdown. I thought all events had been banned for now. All flights from the UK to Norway have been suspended until 26 December 2020 to assess measures for the new variant of coronavirus. CDC: Latest Updates She was an expert seamstress and worked in an upscale women’s clothing store in Moline , IL. All educational establishments were closed, along with many workplaces, many shops, bars, restaurants, pubs and other public services. I made myself a short verifing test about N1H1 (another coronavirus appeared 10y ago): it made around 19.000 checked deadths events; unofficial statitics reported that events were up to 400-000? I’m from California studying in Oslo. I think the percent increase in mortality per day is a good indicator. For some reasons, here in Italy, death toll is much higher than anywhere else, but the situation is far more dramatic than how media picture it. We had our food delivered. It seems inevitable that they will as CV19 shows no signs of slowing down. I wonder if it would hold in court, as obviously goods (food import seems vital for Norway) continue to be imported, and exported, as well as people who are doing seasonal jobs can come in. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel.. Travelers from out of state—except for those coming from New York's contiguous states, which are New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont—and from Level 2 or 3 Travel Health Notice countries must test negative for the coronavirus within three days before their departure from their home state or country. If any visitors to Norway from other countries have to be quarantined for 14 days why have the FCO not advised against travel? ?still thinking to get close to Europe?? There have been to much in the news of poor social distancing among some people in the area around Oslo. og han har ingen måte å komme tilbake på. My wife and I are in 50s and have our trip booked and fully paid from India to Norway (11th March 2020 to 19th March 2020) visiting Oslo, Bergen, Hammerfest and Tromso, and Finland (20th March to 27th March) visiting Rovaneimi, Kemi and Helsinki. Latest update: Norway's borders are closed to foreign travellers who don't have Norwegian residency or a work permit, though some exemptions may apply. Just a couple of weeks after the first known infection in Norway, the Norwegian government took drastic steps. HI there. Is there a big chance that I can’t fly back to my original country at the end of June? Is it possible that UDI will deny my au pair resident visa? To supply medicines more specifically? We were planning a special celebration for him! No rull that people back from country ´s spread covid 19 have to home isolaton or home quantine ( only from Chaina ) thatway it happened case doctor in Oslo who went to Italy. Karen I totally agree with you dear. We need to pull through together. I think the biggest mistake is this ban to be lifted on the 20 April. Just 3 hour changeover in Denmark. Anyone have a crystal ball?!? Or does anybody know how those waiting will be informed when the can travel. Don’t be an asshole…. CDC: Latest Updates Sports events are also affected; in Greece, the government has announced all professional sports events for the next two weeks will be played without spectators and in Spain, the Barcelona Marathon has been moved from 15 March to 25 October. The capacity for testing is now greatly increased. Hope people did not read your comment.. nobody was allowed to enter.. and now. Hi, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Romania due to COVID-19. This page contains practical travel information for international leisure travelers planning a visit to Finland during the Coronavirus pandemic. In Norway: Do not call 113. We are really gutted as this would have been our first REAL big vacation in years and where wondering if there is a policy like in Greece that you have to show a Negative Corona test to be accepted in the country. We use KLM from Atlanta to Amsterdam and on to Stavanger. Our schedule in Oslo is from 16-24 March, but we are going to cancel. Living on the border between Aust Agder and Telemark since the start of the week we have seen streams and streams of cars and motor homes all with Oslo or South coast number plates heading for places like Gautefall, Nissedal Hyttegrend and Vradal Panorama. We would like to visit family in July. You cannot enter Norway UNLESS YOU ARE A CITIZEN or a PERMANENT RESIDENT. I hope everything is reopen so them at my family , I and everyone traveling can experience their trips to the fullest that each country has to offer while still being safe. Public Health Emergency. Thanks k you for the information. You can read the full story here with the official guidelines from FHI available here. He can not do that! Probably canceling it seems a good idea. Even if you, assumingly not residing in Norway at the moment, will not be able to come to Norway, you will be able to attend classes online. You may think pearaps that the most wrost scenary is not the high possibility of death if you appears ill, but the fact that it unkwon the way to treat, but just for the moment. apart from sightseeing places. The World Health Organization is recommending that people take simple precautions to reduce exposure to and transmission of the coronavirus, for which there is no specific cure or vaccine. 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