Two species grace our area, the Asparagus/Common Asparagus Beetle and the Spotted/12-spotted Asparagus Beetle. Compared to most other vegetables, asparagus is relatively winter hardy, with higher heat, drought, and salt tolerances. Asparagus, or garden asparagus, folk name sparrow grass, scientific name Asparagus officinalis, is a perennial flowering plant species in the genus Asparagus.Its young shoots are used as a spring vegetable.. • Maggots are white, eel-like (early instars) or plump (later stages). Both chew on asparagus spears, which can cause stunting and other cosmetic damage that make the asparagus unmarketable (and consumers don’t enjoy picking up a spear with a bunch of eggs glued to it or a smear of frass (bug poop) on it, either). Common asparagus beetles overwinter underneath plant debris, loose bark, or hollow stems of old asparagus plants. S & C. A Lily Beetle Lilioceris lilii.4-8 on various members of lily family, including cultivated forms. To protect their genetic investment, males guard females after mating, remaining piggyback during ovipositing. Curries often result in stinky pee because of a body’s inability to filter out the cuminaldehyde in cumin and the linalool in coriander. Spotted Asparagus Beetle. Their diversity has run parallel with that of the Angiosperms. The adult beetles are red, yellow, and black in colour and about 7 mm (almost 0.3 inch) long. We tend to talk about them generically, but there are some important distinctions. Females lay up to 30 eggs on the end of spear tips as they emerge from the soil. Some are difficult to tell from long-horned beetles (family Cerambycidae): it is done by the antennae not arising from frontal tubercles.. ... Asparagus beetle: Asparagus is attacked by beetle (Crioceris. What does an asparagus beetle do when it’s alarmed? 5-8, hibernating as adult. Optimum productivity occurs at … It is depicted on Egyptian tombs dating from the 4th century BC and evidence suggests it was cultivated in ancient Rome. Asparagus beetles undergo a physiological process to prepare their bodies to withstand freezing temperatures during winter. If you’re growing asparagus in your home garden, the asparagus beetle is a pest you will be all too familiar. Asparagus consisting of three hundred species is a large genus belongs to liliaceae family, of which twenty are. Beetles and larvae … On the elytra there are twelve black dots. You may spot damaged spears before you see the pests themselves. After some fun in the sun, the common asparagus beetle lays its eggs in rows of 3 to 8 on the new spears, leaves or flower buds. The common is, well, more common. They feed on and … What eats asparagus beetles? Asparagus grows best when growing conditions include high light intensity, warm days, cool nights, low relative humidity, and adequate soil moisture. It is important to recognize and understand your target customers and base the size of the asparagus acreage on market potential. Crioceris duodecimpunctata or the spotted asparagus beetle is a species of shining leaf beetle belonging to the family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Criocerinae . It lays one egg at a time on the leaves; the larvae hatch, head for the fruits, and burrow inside. The spotted asparagus beetle, Crioceris duodecimpunctata, looks very similar in appearance, but is not related. Asparagus Beetles (Family Chrysomelidae) March 8, 2017 Homer Hruby. The adult beetles are red, yellow, and black in colour and about 7 mm (almost 0.3 inch) long. Given their lifespan and extended emergence period, beetles are active for the entire fern season in asparagus. Adult spotted asparagus beetles also feed on leaves and spears, but the larvae do not. Some studies have found low genetic diversity among groups of isolated Chrysomelidae, and use Wolbachia species as a genetic marker. They’re lovely little beetles, and two species grace our area, the asparagus/common asparagus beetle (Criocerus asparagi) and the spotted/12-spotted asparagus beetle (Crioceris duodecimpunctata) (yes – Latin for “ 12-dotted ”). Common Asparagus Beetle: Crioceris asparagi (L.) Common asparagus beetle: adult. Asparagus beetles, in the leaf beetle family Chrysomelidae, are asparagus specialists. The two species don’t look much alike—the 12-spotted asparagus beetle can be mistaken for a ladybug at a quick glance (one source points out that they even have spots on their “kneecaps”), and the spotting on the common asparagus beetle is variable. Common asparagus beetle Scientific classification; Kingdom: Animalia: Phylum: Arthropoda: Class: Insecta: Order: Coleoptera: Family: Chrysomelidae: Genus: Crioceris: Species: Biology They’re lovely little beetles, and two species grace our area, the Asparagus/common asparagus beetle ( Criocerus asparagi) and the Spotted/12-spotted asparagus beetle ( Crioceris duodecimpunctata) (yes—Latin for “12-dotted”). The adult beetles are red, yellow, and black in colour and about 7 mm (almost 0.3 inch) long. Others are beneficial due to their use in biocontrolof invasive weeds. Not all species in the genus Crioceris feed on asparagus (e.g., C. nigropicta). Both beetles are aliens—Eurasian natives that arrived here in the second half of the 19th century and now occupy anyplace in North America where asparagus is grown. Some studies have found low genetic diversity among groups of isolated Chrysomelidae, and use Wolbachia species as a genetic marker. Asparagus Beetles Crioceris species; Family: Chrysomelidae There are two species of beetles that attack and cause economic damage to asparagus in New York. Its larvae also eat the spears and leaves. Spear initiation and root growth begin when the soil temperature is above 50°F. It uses its antennae and/or ovipositor to detect hosts that are already parasitized and doesn’t waste its time on them, and it targets only the common asparagus beetle (alas for the 12-spotted; a different species in the wasp’s genus goes after them). The common asparagus beetle is the first to wake up, and it also feeds on the lacy leaves, which can defoliate and weaken the plant, a perennial (no leaves = no photosynthesis = no food storage) and can make it susceptible to fungal infections. The length of beetles varies from 5 to 6.5 millimeters. However, if beetles are not active, contact with insecticide may be limited. Ladybugs, ground beetles, wasps, flies, predaceous stinkbugs, dragon and damselflies, damsel bugs, lacewings, and a variety of birds including farmyard fowl. Family: Asparagaceae Juss. Adults are slightly larger than common asparagus beetles. Asparagus beetle, (genus Crioceris or Lema ), any member of two genera that are important pests of the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae (order Coleoptera). The larvae of both species pupate in cocoons in the soil. Common asparagus beetle: shiny metallic blue-black with yellow and red spots Spotted asparagus beetle: reddish-orange with 6 spots per wing cover Larvae: olive-gray, hump-backed sluggish grubs They may scoot over and hide on the other side of the stalk, may do the classic Chrysomelid drop to the ground, or may resort to secretions from defensive glands. If you see an odd-colored beetle that’s a bluish-black in color with red and white, it might be the common asparagus beetle, Crioceris asparagi. Sheaves of asparagus shiver on beds of ice in grocery stores, and foragers are anxious for those first stalks of “volunteer” asparagus to peek up along the roadsides. Characteristic mining damage along stem base: discol-ored reddish brown tunnel in a serpentine pattern. They're a type of long-horned beetle from the Cerambycidae family. These beetles, which live for one to two months, can feed on a multitude of plant species, including asparagus. The “what” and the “when” of their feeding makes the common asparagus beetle the less welcome of the two. The 12-spotted gets out of the gate a little later in spring, and it also eats the spears and leaves, but its larvae concentrate on the fruits and don’t damage the plant (not a problem unless you raise asparagus for seed, and most growers don’t—they’re in it for the vegetable and they cultivate higher-yield, (seedless) male plants). One species of asparagus beetle is blue-black; another is orange with black spots. Asparagus Beetles (Family Chrysomelidae) March 8, 2017 Two species grace our area, the Asparagus/Common Asparagus Beetle and the Spotted/12-spotted Asparagus Beetle. Common asparagus beetle: larva. Crioceris, or asparagus beetle, is a genus of the family Chrysomelidae of beetles. Larvae are grayish white. Asparagus may be marketed successfully through roadside markets, pick-your-own, restaurants, CSA programs, or farmer's markets. The twelve spotted asparagus beetle is more common in Wisconsin than the common asparagus beetle. The common asparagus beetle is mostly blue-black, but has cream-colored or pale yellow spots along its … Biology • Pupae are brownish red, about 0.2 inches long. Adult beetles are only 1/4 inch long. Species. The young hatch within a week and start feeding. This annoying insect is about half a centimeter long and is a metallic bluish-black color with white or yellow spots on its back. Asparagus beetle, (genus Crioceris or Lema), any member of two genera that are important pests of the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae (order Coleoptera). The following photo is not of a wasp but in another family the robber fly. Both species use stridulation—making noise by rubbing two body parts together (in the case of asparagus beetles, a part of the abdominal exoskeleton rubs against teeth on the hard wing covers), both to scare predators and to communicate with other beetles. Two insects we recommend scouting for are the common asparagus beetle and the twelve-spotted asparagus beetle. The common asparagus beetle has even made its way to Hawaii. Both species overwinter as adults in hollow asparagus stems, or under leaf litter, garden debris, or loose bark—that way, when the sun warms the soil and the asparagus spears poke their heads up in spring, the beetles are already in the neighborhood. The larvae are fat, grayish-green grubs with black heads. Adults are bright orange with six small black spots located on each wing cover. This species is less destructive than the common asparagus beetle because only the adults feed on asparagus plants. Adult and larval leaf beetles feed on all sorts of plant tissue. [2] Not all species in the genus Crioceris feed on asparagus (e.g., C. nigropicta). Identification. Tomatoes and Asparagus are good plants to grow near one another due to the fact that tomatoes keep the asparagus beetle away and asparagus repels certain types of root nematodes that are bad for tomatoes. Asparagus beetles are an annual insect pest of asparagus. Orange larvae are clothed … Applying insecticides during warm, sunny days may increase the number of beetles coming into contact with insecticide residues. They feed on and deposit oval black eggs on… Genus: Asparagus Tourn. Its back also has a red border. The number and quality demands of targete… This year’s beetles come from last year’s fern, making fern-season control important. The common is, well, more common. The primary physical difference is the milkweed beetle has longer antennae, and the arrangement of spots on the back differs between these two species. Female Chrysomelids have the ability to favor the sperm of a suitor by keeping eggs fertilized by a male if they like the cut of his jib and ejecting the sperm of previous males. One study in Massachusetts showed the wasp demolishing a hefty 50% of beetle eggs in an area and then parasitizing half of the remaining eggs. Spotted Asparagus Beetle Crioceris duodecimpunctata Information on this Species is incomplete... St. John's-wort Beetle Chrysolina hyperici Biocontrol Species They’re not the only ones who are waiting. There are two kinds of asparagus beetles that like to eat asparagus — the Common Asparagus Beetle (Crioceris asparagi) and the Spotted Asparagus Beetle (Crioceris duodecimpunctata).. Spring is coming, and home gardeners have had a gleam in their eyes ever since the first seed catalog landed in the mailbox. It is this adult stage that is the focus of control. The insects feed on the shoots as they develop, causing them to bend in the direction in which the feeding damage occurs. There’s not much of a courtship, but she may parry his moves by turning her abdomen aside or by kicking. Crioceris duodecimpunctata (L.) Family – Chrysomelidae. Common asparagus beetle. Asparagus Beetles Common Asparagus Beetle. Asparagus Miner Ophiomyia simplex Loew Family - Agromyzidae • Small black fly less than 0.2 inches long. Leaf beetles have a tarsal formula which appears to be 4-4-4, but is actually 5-5-5. [3], "Restricted geographic distribution and low genetic distinctiveness of steppic Crioceris quinquepunctata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations in Central East Europe", "Leaf beetle collection of the Mátra Museum, Gyöngyös, Hungary (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 October 2020, at 13:04. The larvae are small, greenish gray, humpbacked grubs with dark heads. Family - (Chrysomelidae) - Chrysomelidae . Injury first appears early in the spring on the emerging shoots. Its most efficient predator seems to be a small, blue-black wasp, Tetrastichus asparagi, that is a parasitoid of the beetle larvae and that must develop a taste for them, because as an adult, it eats the egg masses. There is a second species of asparagus beetle—the spotted asparagus beetle—which has 12 black spots on the wing covers. The 12-spotted beetles escape by flight. Common asparagus beetles have several arrows in their quivers. They’re lovely little beetles, and two species grace our area, the Asparagus/common asparagus beetle (Criocerus asparagi) and the Spotted/12-spotted asparagus beetle (Crioceris duodecimpunctata) (yes—Latin for “12-dotted”). ex L. Asparagus officinalis L.; Asparagus officinalis has been cultivated and harvested from the wild for thousands of years and has become an economically important crop. A pest of asparagus, adults and larvae chewing the line, needle-like branches. Asparagus beetle, (genus Crioceris or Lema), any member of two genera that are important pests of the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae (order Coleoptera). The colour of head, pronotum and elytra is reddish orange, while the scutellum is black. The name is neo-Latin from Greek κριός, ram and κέρας, horn. When thinking of asparagus pests, we normally worry about early season feeding on developing spears. 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