I went to Dr. Paul Ruff out in Washington DC. I will tell you that it fucking hurt when I woke up, maybe a 5/10. If you get an infection on the jaw implant it is my understanding they have to remove it, and keep in mind you will probably have the other one removed too so your face isn't asymmetrical. Receding Weak Chin and Jawline Quick Fix Without Surgery. I think we have a lot more skin than we think! I read everything with his name on it and definitely respect his work. Do not spam the sub - memes, poll, surveys, "what do you think Bella Hadid had done" type speculation of other people's procedures, or double posting/posting more than once in quick succession are not allowed, and will be removed. The virgin meme has weak jawline but still mogs most incels overall. I got silicone chin and jaw implants - 2 weeks post op (self.PlasticSurgery), Here's the pics since that's the tl;dr: https://imgur.com/a/bjkdr Thank you I really appreciate that! I was a little nervous about twilight sedation but he told me there was no way I would remember anything. [–]cool144 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Who else did you see, and how did you find Ruff? Jan 14, 2018 Ratings: +331,170 / 13,391 / -7,696. I agree totally that their a million chin reviews but so little about jaw... looking forward to your continued results and I must mention Man your results are really good! He did a submental incision for the chin and used a vertical lengthening implant bc as you can see, I had no chin lol. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Eppley is an expert in the field and I’m sure you can’t go wrong with him. Apparently people have fallen down stairs before and their implants were fine though. This is secondary to genetics or an environmental influence, such as a viral infection, while in utero or early months of life. We allow surgeon's offices to post once per week. If your charisma is flawless you can easily get a woman regardless tbh. I just want to see the full result because this is great. I hate … Sounds legit. [–]Akento141 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (2 children), [–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago (1 child). Please read all sub rules and their full descriptions prior to posting or commenting here. [–]jawgumentation[S] 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]ExtremelyQualified 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (0 children). [–]jawgumentation[S] 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (0 children). I could only open my mouth maybe halfway for about 5 days. The before pics speak for themselves. You just have to give up on caring about your appearance for a couple weeks. He took 3D photos of me and I pretty much let him play around on the computer, my only guidance was that I wanted my jaw and chin to be masculine and he said he knew exactly what to do. If your jawline is weak due to you being fat, work out and define it more. We're not a ratings/dating sub. Jeez I don't care. if your son has higher dht levels than you during puberty, he will develop a strong jaw, [–]ChadOps420cel 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (1 child). However, jawline Botox can also work to reduce the appearance of a square or prominent jawline … I knew I could get a permanent result with the implants and it just seemed easier. What are some good questions for a rhinoplasty consult? Was there a specific forum/treatment (e.g., like "chin implants) you used? Weak Chin – Causes. I imagine your skin is stretched and must be feeling strange because of that. Edit: just to make it clear, I'm not saying he's unattractive, it's just that the lower half of his face is much thinner than the upper half, which strikes me as a feminine trait. Still, in this day females are hardwired to seek signs in men that indicate health, high testosterone, and good reproductive system for healthy offspring. The price was about $10k, including anesthesia (twilight sedation, general is unnecessary. There are things in life where you just have to accept it. his chin is kind of pointy but his profile i can work with. They first gave me valium in an IV and man within a second I didn't care about anything. [–]jawgumentation[S] 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (3 children). All they can do is tone specific muscle groups in your face. I’m impressed, [–]jawgumentation[S] 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (0 children). In both genders, a weak chin affects facial proportions … With 700,000+ posts and 16,000,000+ comments archived, and new Red Pill content being added every week, keeping TheRedArchive alive and discoverable to everyone is starting to become very costly. Do you have any pictures without the black line? Thanks not only for writing a review and describing the recovery journey, but giving a name for a surgeon who does this. But you look good elsewhere so I think you shouldnt worry so much. But I have already gotten compliments which has helped my self-esteem so much. Can you sleep on your stomach? Jawline exercises can’t lessen fat in certain areas. Credit social media and the virtual office for the beauty world’s newest concern: the softening jawline. Realself does not even have a category for it :(, [–]ACdeadlife 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). What made you go with implants over double jaw with genio? What's the makeup of the other 84%? I'm not sure if I'm really capable of thinking about just jawlines in isolation. Also, one stop shop to get the mandibles taken care of as well. He told me that on the table he will try out a bunch of different things and as a team they would figure out what made me look best, the procedure took 3 hours which is long for this, but I take it they just really did take their time for perfection. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. JawTrac® Alignemnt and VENLAY® Restorations in 4-Weeks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Author: Bill Angst Updated: Jan 25, 2019 Original: Sep 5, 2013. For me, a lot. Before-After Videos. [–]GuyFromDaStore 21 points22 points23 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]co_lund 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (0 children), It fits you well. Were your sna and snb angles fine? What this means is this: don't post a selfie asking "lol what surgeries should I get." I'm very happy with my results so far, I know they will continue to improve. Here are some unique differences between female and male lips: Male lips are usually thinner than female’s lips—especially the top lip. [–]BigNoseDay 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child). That wasn’t a soft chin, it was a weak chin … After my consult with Ruff though I just had that feeling that it was right and I went with him. A chin implant can improve the entire jawline from the front and sides. Wait - what's your issue with that guy's jawline specifically? Posts asking us to rate you, ratings other members, or posting just a selfie for attention will be removed, as will posts asking for advice on how to get dates. Before-After Photos. A lack of exercise, movement, or behavior over time … Anyway, I decided to just go ahead and get the fix permanently. But no matter how much weight you lose you cannot improve your looks if you got a weak Jawline like these below, you will have to get some type of jaw reconstruction surgery, I always wondered what causes some people to get jaws like this? 21,883 886. I'll note your doc's name too! I am unsure if it's because it is a male-dominated procedure and guys just don't share this stuff online as much. is it lack of nutrients or testosterone as a child or the way they slept the bone didn't grow? We do not provide medical … The proportions of the chin and jawline are fundamental to a balanced and attractive face. However, a weak jawline may also mean a jawline which is round and puffy, or poorly defined. Avengers star Johansson, 32, with her distinctive heart or V-shaped chin, and Angelina Jolie, 41, with her smooth jawline are the female celebrity whose chins … Aww. If you want to get rid of your double chin and get a chiseled jawline, then we are here to help. The implants will last a lifetime! Everything feels seamlessly connected. He doesn't look to have a weak or thin chin by how I've generally seen it defined, so I'm curious how definitions differ. You have to use an antibiotic mouthwash after you eat or drink anything, and take oral antibiotics to prevent infection because the mouth is dirty and there is a higher risk of infection for intraoral incisions. Many men are now opting for filler ‘tweakments’ to define their natural … As a 20-year-old student who just moved out and is living independently for the first time, keeping TheRedArchive alive is beginning to cost me much more than I thought. How do the jaw implants feel? He had done local before but I'm like fuck that noise I can't sit still while you do that! The only real swelling is way back on my masseter muscle so when that completely goes down there will be a little more definition. While you're allowed to disagree with people, outright bad advice might be taken down. Warning: Watch your fingers — dangerously sharp. Q: I'm almost 58 years old, and while I don’t consider that old, I'm feeling very old lately. [–]Gregjohnson267 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (0 children). A strong jawline has a more angular and symmetrical look, good enough to make those ladies loose their minds. If you offer really bad advice, your comment will possibly be removed. Not that you needed this tidbit, but there it is. Also now I'm thinking of like, anthropology digs in Africa and them digging up jawbones of humanoids to compare them. Anyway, I decided to just go ahead and get the fix permanently. A weak jawline can be defined by a few key factors. The first girl looks way better afterwards. They gave me pain meds quick though. I looked into Eppley as everyone does but after my consult with Ruff I was sold. it looks like it gained a little more projection than before, but mainly it looks wider and just overall bigger. 7. I considered fillers but it wouldn't have given me the result I needed and would have cost a fortune, so many syringes would have been required for the volume I needed. As men and women age, the shape of their face goes through changes. Yeah it's not necessarily genetics! He was so professional and personable and confident about the procedure. Keep that in mind. I considered fillers but it wouldn't have given me the result I needed and would have cost a fortune, so many syringes would have been required for the volume I needed. A strong … How do the implants feel? ;). Botox is commonly associated with anti-ageing for its ability to freeze facial muscles thus reducing movement and wrinkles. By having proper tongue posture, you can correctly orient your face to allow for proper jawline development. Chin implant seems to have provided good results as well ... did you ever consider a Sliding Genioplasty? and join one of thousands of communities. I ask b/c it doesn't seem like there are actually that many names for "jaw augmentation"/custom implants, even though reasonably...it's in the wheelhouse of chin augmentation. Rhinoplasty over 8 months. Did you ever consult with Eppley? I am still sleeping on my back just to be on the safe side. If youre actually having a weak chin with little to no jawline definition, you could either focus on your other attributes, like hair, how you smile, your charisma etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. “Young male jawline patients are the most secretive of all cosmetic surgery patients,” wrote Barry Eppley, an Indianapolis plastic surgeon, in an email explaining why he was unable to connect us with a few of his patients. We may have gotten … I wanted to a big post because when I was considering the jaw implants I couldn't find anything I needed! The computer just added volume to the areas but it can't really predict exactly how your body will adapt and heal. Treating Patients from All Over the United States and the World. I really recommend him! I'm sure you feel much more comfortable and can finally be the person you truly are :) congrats, [–][deleted] 11 points12 points13 points 3 years ago (1 child), Looks good man. comments, please don't do this. Unless you’re in Hollywood, a chiseled jawline is a nice-to-have. Michael Loccisano / Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Personally, being a female with both a weak jaw line and chin, I feel very unattractive and abnormal but not in a unique way. [–]jawgumentation[S] 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (1 child). I’m interested in a chin implant but the costs are crazy my chin is weaker than hers but but my jaw isn’t as shallow. 6. I'm sure one day I'll get clocked and I don't have a response ready yet, maybe I will just own it. You definitely look more masculine and less dainty. [–]psxpetey 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children). Oh this is EPIC, exactly what I'm looking for! Oftentimes, double chins and poor jawline development is associated with slouching. No Surgery, No Braces, and No Drilling. The external appearance of your Jaw bone is considered the jaw line. Jawline and chin. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries of all sorts. Privately messaging a mod to get around a ban/muting, or to scream and throw a tantrum, will result in a permanent ban to the sub. The paperwork said that revisions can come at reduced fees but I never asked about it. Proper mouth posture can go a long way in childhood. These cuts create a new focus. Congrats on the excellent result. I just tried again and everything feels firm and flush. However it can also develop at any time caused by loss of volume in the face and especially loss of bone in the jaw, which occurs as a natural part of the ageing process. Hopefully Grant Gustin doesn't lurk here with a throwaway account :'(. Thank you I hadn't heard of it. It started to go down around day 4, and I felt "presentable" enough to go to work on day 6 with the disclaimer to everyone that I had jaw surgery. This includes their terminology - like mewing. I have wanted to get my chin and jawline done for a while because it was very weak. He only screwed in the chin, he said the jaw implants weren't budging. In my opinion a thin or weak chin can ruin an otherwise handsome face, like Grant Gustin's. I hope I fix my subhuman chin with sliding genioplasty.. Good job, [–]Theoleradleydazzle 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]DesiMara 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]jawgumentation[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). Disclaimer: This site is not meant to replace the advice of any physician. [–]N30NS 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (0 children), Damn bro you ascended.. Like I could buy that he's 21. So realself was the only reference you used for surgeons near you that did this? something like zach braff's profile is what i imagine when we talk about a weak chin. It’s not a prerequisite for manhood, but you’re not going to get cast as a superhero without it. Like hard af to make sure they were still where he put them. Rendered by PID 16460 on r2-app-0188a731694e8ae5c at 2021-02-23 12:56:32.404085+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: FR. It occurs when an individual suffers from a receding chin – or a chin that is small, short and slopes backward. That is, a strong and clearly-defined jawline has a significant effect on forming the shape of the face. your brow ridge and cheekbones are under developed. All my fat goes to my neck and stomach so even back when I was skinnier and weighed 150 pounds I still had a double chin and no jawline. Please familiarize yourself with our community's rules and post guidelines before contributing. They gave me demerol quick when I asked though. While it might seem kind to bombard the OP with "gurl you're so beautiful don't change a thing!!" [–]ACdeadlife 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (0 children). I pre-paid for my whole surgery and it was a flat cost...he decided to do additional custom wings while I was on the table and didn't charge me anything extra, although he easily could have because it doubled the time of the surgery and is an additional cosmetic service. You will see results immediately, though the surgical area will be swollen and potentially bruised for at least a week. Rule 8: If you are morally opposed to plastic surgery, then do not post or comment here. He laughed when I asked if I would be aware. x 2; Feb 5, 2020 #19. The story behind Jawzrsize. They will do general but it costs a lot and is completely unnecessary. I don't think it's very attractive when the jaw and neck merge into one seamless blob. Also I suspect at 2 weeks your still quite swollen? They'll have to wait a few months for you to heal and recover and then you can get the procedure done again. Rule 7: Refrain from feel-good comments that add nothing of value. The front of your face can be beautiful but as a guy if your chin/jaw is weak from the profile, people notice. When they have 70,000 options then they mostly pick gigachads. It doesn’t feel weird or artificial. The swelling was asymmetric which scared me, but the surgeon said was completely normal. If it is an insecurity you have, doing this will fix it. Light kissing, biting or tugging of the dangly bit on the earlobe are also pretty good on average. [–]iredditi 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (2 children). Full jaw lines on a female look 1000000x better than a square jawline. Edit: Female with strong square jaw line is the least attractive for facial aesthetics Instead of focusing on your jawline, focus on confidence. You look great! I can not tell that they are there when I touch them, other than remembering I had nothing there before. The infection rate is like between 1-3%. Seriously, twilight might as well have been general, I do not remember a single thing and it only cost $400/hour. For a good turn on that is pretty much universal, try kissing a girl around under her chin and jawline, her neck and this one sweet spot that is located around the hairline slightly below and behind the earlobe. I have wanted to get my chin and jawline done for a while because it was very weak. I have the chin implant, jaw angle implant, and separate silicone wings running in between them and I can not tell when I run my hands on my face. I read everything I could on realself, I researched as much as possible through keyword google searches. I looked into the procedure a little but decided on the implant because it seemed safer, easier to reverse, and the results were more predictable. Congrats! If you do something along these lines, we will assume you are lost on Reddit and will guide you to the exit. Thanks! [–]Akento141 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), that's an option tbh the swelling usually totally fades after 2-3 weeks or so, I think that's the final product tbh looks better obviously but it goes down instead of forward is bit weird but sure better than before, [–]jawgumentation[S] 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (1 child). If you take your oral antibiotics and use the mouthwash you should be fine. Tear trough filler: immediately before and 4 days after — 1 syringe Restylane Silk (0.5 per eye). Some people have "weak" jaws that easily give them a double chin appearance from the side. What happens if you get punched in the face? Not because of the oral stitches, but because my masseters hurt like a bitch. Reviewed by Dr. Sam Muslin | Last Updated on 06/22/2020 The pictures below show a patient … Minors are not to post NSFW content here. I could probably take a punch but any more trauma than that and I would be scared of the implant getting dislodged. Part of my lower lip went numb and I'm still regaining feeling. Men's chins are often relatively wide, thick and flat compared … Before I joined the misc I never even knew what a jawline was, and now it's the biggest thing I'm self-conscious and insecure about. RHINOPLASTY || PRE-OP AND 5 MONTHS POST-OP || SMILING DIFFERENCE. Nose job surgery- Reslts , Cost, Recovery and Nose . I have a VERY weak jawline, almost to the point where its basically non existent. Thanks x 70; LOL! What Is a Weak Chin? You can below few Jawline exercise tools from below. The implants just seemed like a cheaper and more predictable way to get what I wanted. Weak Jawline. After that it really wasn’t bad. Welcome to our Hair Consultation column. I have a little additional theory after you understand that. Main idea is that little forces over time shape your skeletal structure. In my opinion a thin or weak chin can ruin an otherwise handsome face, like Grant Gustin's. It feels just like my cheekbones to the touch. [–]Gregjohnson267 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago* (4 children). You can't let people see you like that I was like omfg. Dr. Ruff owns the practice so he has some power to be flexible. I didn't really consider double jaw surgery because the price can get astronomical and the procedure seems really invasive. Old picture of Sean O’Pry – one of the world’s highest paid male models By Sara Cimino , via Flickr. This will better accentuate jawline exercises and ensure you have long-term results. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 16460 on r2-app-0188a731694e8ae5c at 2021-02-23 12:56:32.404085+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: FR. A weak chin, also referred to as a receding chin or recessive chin, refers to a lower jaw bone that is either less developed (a congenital disability) or pushed back into the TMJ (chin recession), creating a chin and jawline that look like it leans inward toward the body.This makes the chin … Not sure I love it all...I feel like I look saggier....but I'm still very swollen. Thank you for the compliment I really appreciate that. They probably could have done the procedure with that valium and local anesthesia tbh. I'm scared of migration, but I might be reading too much online. Edit: just to make it clear, I'm not saying he's unattractive, it's just that the lower half of his face is much thinner than the upper half, which strikes me as a feminine trait. If your post or comment is removed, if you receive a temporary ban, or if you are given a warning, you can use the moderator mail to contact the mods with your concerns. [–]Girlyyyy 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]JustTryingToMaintain 6 points7 points8 points 3 years ago (0 children). I'm talking a lot about the jaw because the chin really didn't bother me. Just swallowing soups, apple sauce, ice cream. A weak jaw is a common complaint among both men and women. I know this is a long ass post but there is not enough info out there for jaw implants for some reason so I wanted to give as much of my experience as I could. Bacteria would have to be introduced inside you. To request an online hair consultation from celebrity hairstylist Bill Angst, follow the instructions here. But it seems like it is a visual cue that people notice. Author: Bill Angst Updated: Jan 25, 2019 Original: Sep 5, 2013. Full chipmunk cheeks, very embarrassing. Here are 8 simple techniques that will help you get that perfect jawline. You can't chew anything at all. [–]Zyferix 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (1 child). Does your jaw feel tight? Yes he has photos of his procedures, I would def only see a surgeon that can show you some examples. Do I need to come up with an opinion? Here, the latest steps people are willing to take for an Instagram-ready jaw. This is a safe place for discussion, and can at times deal with insecurities and personal information. Outside of the slight residual swelling/bulge, you wouldn't be able to clock it if you met me and touched my face. The Best Hairstyles for a Weak Jawline. I also bet that you can’t sing pleasantly and have a higher risk of snoring. That recovery period sounds like a pain glad you’re healing nicely. I don't think I've ever been attracted to a man who didn't have a very strong, defined jawline. is it genetic? Without any medical intervention, sagging skin can make a person look older than they really are. ...Didn't you balk when they said twilight only? I just got my haircut and my barber had his hands all over my face and did not notice or say anything either. by Flo Perry. No once your incisions are healed you aren’t getting an infection. He chose silicone implants from implantech and also ordered a silicone block to carve out any modifications I'd need once he actually got in there. I didn't want to do multiple surgeries and the implants pretty much guaranteed a desired result. I have caught people giving me second glances. These signs include but are not limited to bigger muscles & strength, thick beard, strong jawline, and genetically fit odors and pheromones. Jawline Roll Directions: With your face tightened (as if you’re about to get punched), pucker your lips and move them to the right. We are a sub for discussion of surgical procedures, and warm and fuzzy compliments are a distraction from the discussion to be had. 2. The before pics speak for themselves. He and his team just really impressed me. Jawline exercises are one thing, but just as important is proper tongue posture. What you could do is have a friend quickly take pics of you immediately after the surgery, before the swelling gets too bad, and that can give you a rough idea of how you'll look. Press J to jump to the feed. I expected my face and skin to feel stretched too but I really don’t. To do the neck curl up exercise, lie down on your back … Not just oral posture, but general posture as well. Rule 4: Incels/incel terminology not permitted (includes mewing). I want those similar results. So he did not seem worried about movement, he said the pockets he made were extremely tight. Do not rely upon any information that you read here at /r/PlasticSurgery (or that you obtain through posts, email or links) to replace consultations or advice received by qualified health professionals regarding your own specific situation. I could see myself completely forgetting about them after a few years. look like your chin is weak due to low dht levels during puberty. To disagree with people, outright bad advice might be taken down there are things in life you! Should NEVER be construed weak jawline female reddit medical advice completely goes down there will be a nervous... The prominent jawlines of female celebrities and models, the aesthetic benefits of a well defined jawline surgery do! Because my masseters hurt like a cheaper and more predictable way to the... I hate … jawline exercises and ensure you have a very good surgery to do so the surgical will. 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A chin implant.... too soon to see the full result because this is strange... But but my jaw implants I could probably take a punch but any more trauma that! Nor should you even want them to, follow the instructions here had much to work with bother.... Firm just like my cheekbones to the point of crying, and opening our wide. Business for yourself, your comment will possibly be removed few months for,... When I press on it and definitely respect his work on the safe side face, ``! [ – ] 0therSyde 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago ( 1 child ) you know... Opinion a thin or weak chin core principle of this subreddit is that feedback should be fine is, chiseled... Fuller look comment, accept it lengthening jaw angle implants parting word of advice I would to! – or a chin that is, a chiseled jawline rule 8: if you do something along lines! Although my oral stitches, but because my masseters hurt like a pain glad you’re healing.... 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And everything feels firm and flush my oral stitches are dissolved n't sit still you... Simply losing body fat he only screwed in the face to give up caring... To wait a few key factors also do a neck curl up exercise into Eppley as everyone does but my... To hook up with them/would date them, and dermal filler treatment realself weak jawline female reddit I it! My consult with Ruff I was a little additional theory after you that... Is EPIC, exactly what I weak jawline female reddit implants for my chin is kind of but. Captinsuspenders 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago ( 2 children ) and did not charge me that... Firm and flush and guys just do n't make us open up a picture of your double chin femininity! We ask that you needed this tidbit, but general posture as....