Stearn, Cuad. [5] The seeds contain ergine (LSA), an ergoline alkaloid similar in structure to LSD, which is also present in ergot of rye. The plant cannot survive frost and thrives in conditions that are warm, tropical and with moist, wet soil. It is considered one of the main honey plants from the island. caules teretes,virides,tenuefq;. Rivea corymbosa is a large, woody, perennial creeper vine that has thin heart-shaped leaves and white funnel-shaped flowers. Ses graines sont marrons de la taille de celles du tamier. The seeds offered by Shaman Australis Botanicals are grown in Australia. Wetland Status. Upload media This plant has been previously classified botanically as Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea sidafolia. Sus semillas contienen la amida y la hidroxietilamida del ácido lisérgico, compuestos alcaloides hidrosolubles relacionados con el LSD o dietilamida del ácido lisérgico. The plant is thought to be indigenous to Mexico, but it is also very commonplace in Cuba, as well as on other islands of … [1] Bibliography. Turbina corymbosa species of plant. Canaria 21: 12 (1974). It is a perennial climbing vine with white flowers, often planted as an ornamental plant.This plant also occurs in Cuba, where it usually blooms from early December to February. A partir de las ramas y las hojas se ha logrado aislar la ergina, amida del ácido lisérgico … qua in re Solano maniaco Diofcoridis fimilis fortaffe alicui videri poffit. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Turbina (family Convolvulaceae ). While little of it is known outside of Mexico, its seeds were perhaps the most common psychedelic drug used by the natives. flores albos, & longiufculos. flatum, ac prater naturam tumores difcutic. Rivea (Turbina) spp. Stems slender, pubescent, leaves simple, alternate, cordate at base. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. Common name(s) Christmas Vine. C'est une grimpante originaire d'Amérique latine. Turbina, a genus of some 15 species of plants, native in tropical America and Southeast Asia, belonging to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae). Tellur. Rivea corymbosa is a large, woody, perennial creeper vine that has thin heart-shaped leaves and white funnel-shaped flowers. luxatis aut fractis offibus, & lumbis fÅ“minarum laxis,aueto robore mirum auxiliatur in modum.S eminis etiam, eft vfus in medicina, quod triutm, ac deuoratum, illicumq; capiti, & fronti, cum lacte & chilli, fertur morbis oculorum mederi, deuoratum verò, venerem excitat. 95. Indorum facrifici cum videri volebant verfari cum Superis, acrelpófa accipere ab eis,ea vefcebatur planta, vt defiperent, milleq; phantafmata, & dæmonu oburesãtium effigies circumfpectarent. Accessed: 2019 November 17. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE OLOLIUHQUI, COAXIHUITL, XTABENTÚN: A perennial, tender (keep from freezing), rapidly growing vine with many small (1-2″ long) white trumpet flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. Le Turbina corymbosa, ololiuqui ou Rivea corymbosa est une liane tropicale de la famille des Convolvulacées. dolores è frigoreortos fedat . ololiuqui. Its common names include Christmasvine, Christmaspops, and snakeplant. Ipomoea corymbosa is a species of morning glory, native throughout Latin America from Mexico as far south as Peru and widely naturalised elsewhere. Turbina corymbosa ((syn. Manantial 375 Important legal information for all customers: 1) The importation of Rivea corymbosa seeds into Australia is prohibited under the Customs Act 1901, Regulations, Schedule 4 (Drugs). TYPE: Turbina corymbosa (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Convolvulus corymbosus Linnaeus) Have You Had a Belief Changing Psychedelic Experience? (Turbina corymbosa) Tuberous, woody perennial vine native to Central and South America and Oceana. In drug use: Types of hallucinogens …species of morning glory (Rivea corymbosa, also called Turbina corymbosa, and Ipomoea tricolor, also called I. rubrocaerulea or I. violacea).Synthetic compounds of interest are DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and STP (dimethoxyphenylethylamine; DOM). Flowers reddish. Tiene flores vistosas en forma de campana. TURBINA CORYMBOSA. C'est une liane utilisée depuis des très longtemps comme une plante ethnobotanique et chamanique. TURBINA CORYMBOSA. Plant large scandent, twining, perennial, woody vine. It is sometimes confused with morning glory. Medicinally, the seeds were used as ecbolics and uterine hemostatics because of their high content of ergot-like alkaloids. Turbina corymbosa, flors. Gallicam curat . This name is in version 1.1 of The Plant List, record tro-8500772, with some changes. It has a history of use in indigenous Mexican cultures as a sacred and visionary plant that is highly respected. We do not share these lists, or any information received from our customers with anyone other than what is absolutely necessary to process orders with the appropriate financial institutions. This species is an invasive species to the United States,[7] Europe (Spain),[7] and Australia,[8] where it has become more naturalized. The Plant List. Rivea corymbosa is a fast growing plant that loves the water and sunlight. Oliliuhqui's round seeds contain LSA and they have a long history of use in Central Mexico. Flower colour; life form. Turbina. ⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded. A strained cold water infusion of 60-100 ground seeds was used by Oaxacan shamans. Vine. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE ... XTABENTÚN is the Mayan name for T. corymbosa and the name of a commercially available liqueur in Mexico distilled from fermented honey made by bees from the flowers of this plant. A strained cold water infusion of 60-100 ground seeds was used by Oaxacan shamans. $14.49 $ 14. There are no related plants for species Turbina corymbosa. Rivea corymbosa "Ololiuhqui" Plant. Es nativa de América, donde crece en selvas tropicales húmedas y secas desde el sur de México a Argentina. The seeds of Rivea corymbosa are called Ololiúqui in the Nahuatl language. $4.99 shipping. Turbina corymbosa is a large, woody, perennial creeper vine that has thin, heart-shaped leaves and white, funnel-shaped flowers. $1.99 shipping. appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. Likes warmth, moisture, sun and rich soil. (Turbina corymbosa) Tuberous, woody perennial vine native to Central and South America and Oceana. Photographs and drawings of Ololiuqui (Turbina/Rivea corymbosa), related chemicals, and their natural plant sources. [citation needed]. Rivea corymbosa), the Christmas vine, is a species of morning glory, native throughout Latin America from Mexico in the North to Peru in the South and widely naturalised elsewhere. Rare shamanistic plant bearing multitudes of trumpet flowers—white corollas with purplish-red interior. También poseen el alcaloide ergonovina o ergometrina, que actúa como el principio uterotónico del cornezuelo. TURBINA CORYMBOSA. Inflorescence much-branched. La Rivea est une plante grimpante originaire d'Amérique latine. The Plants Database includes the following 1 species of Turbina .Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Turbina corymbosa is a perennial, neotropical vine that has been introduced as an ornamental in the Canary Islands, Australia and several Old World countries. The flowers are well liked by bees. Related Plants. 1838 ("1836"). Ergot of rye was part of the Kykeon, the drink which was a component of the Eleusinian mysteries. Scientific Name: Turbina Raf. Info at Wikipedia. Turbina corymbosa is a perennial, neotropical vine that has been introduced as an ornamental in the Canary Islands, Australia and several Old World countries. Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. Cette liane est utilisée depuis des temps immémoriaux comme grimpante médicinale et chamanique. Rivea, also known as ololiuqui (which refers only to the seeds), is a vine indigenous to Mexico and found throughout Central America. Turbina, a genus of some 15 species of plants, native in tropical America and Southeast Asia, belonging to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae). & Schult. It is a perennial climbing vine with white bell-shaped flowers and is commonly grown as an ornamental plant. First published in Fl. Turbina corymbosa) es una enredadera grande y leñosa de la familia de las convolvuláceas. Be aware, though, that in 1620 the Catholic Church declared the use of Ololiuhqui to be heresy and ordered all known plants destroyed (God only knows where I found these specimens). It also grows in Cuba, where it usually blooms from early December to February. The psychedelic properties of Turbina corymbosa and a comparison of the potency of different varieties were studied in the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA Subproject 22 in 1956. Tellur. This plant has been previously classified botanically as Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea sidafolia. Ha sido utilizada por diversas culturas por sus propiedades medicinales y alucinógenas. Plant Search; Nursery Search; Turbina corymbosa. femen rotundum fimile Coriandro,vnde nomen. Acri eft fapore, & temperie, veluti & planta eius, impensè calida. Care and Cultivation of Turbina corymbosa. PLANTS . 4: 81 (1838) ... Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2020. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Turbina, Christmas Vine (Turbina corymbosa) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. The seeds are small, oval and brown in color. The seeds, in Spanish, are sometimes called semilla de la Virgen (seeds of the Virgin Mary). radices fibris fimiles, calida quarto ordine planta eft . Rivea corymbosa, is a species of morning glory, native throughout Latin America from Mexico as far south as Peru and widely naturalised elsewhere. A strained cold water infusion of 60-100 ground seeds was used by Oaxacan shamans. This plant has no children Legal Status. Show All Show Tabs Christmasvine General Information; Symbol: TUCO ... Ipomoea corymbosa (L.) Roth ex Roem. The plant is thought to be indigenous to Mexico, but it’s also very commonplace in Cuba, as well as on other islands of the West Indies and along the North American Gulf Coast. Ses fleurs sont blanches en été. Identified as the Aztec visionary inebriant oliliuhqui, the plant’s round seeds have been found to contain LSA (Lysergic Acid Amides). Turbina corymbosa (ou Rivea corymbosa) est une espèce de plante proche du volubilis de la famille des Convolvulaceae. A strained cold water infusion of 60-100 ground seeds was used by Oaxacan shamans to induce hallucinations. Family: CONVOLVULACEAE: Species: Ipomoea corymbosa (L.)Roth ex Roem. Its common names include Christmasvine,[2] Christmaspops, and snakeplant.[3]. The Mazatec have used the seeds for their visionary and entheogenic properties. puluis refina mixtus pellit frigus . The Nahuatl word ololiuhqui means "round thing", and refers to the small, brown, oval seeds of the morning glory, not the plant itself, which is called coaxihuitl (“snake-plant") in Nahuatl, and hiedra, bejuco or quiebraplatos in the Spanish language. Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. The flowers will only produce two seeds per flower. Nursery Availability $200 pesos Turbina corymbosa f. mollissima (Webb & Berthel.) Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. Beekeepers would place the nests near the psychoactive plant Turbina corymbosa and possibly near Balché trees, forcing the bees to use nectar from these plants to make their honey. Distinguishing features. Turbina corymbosa is a large, woody vine with narrow, heart shaped leaves and white, bell-shaped flowers. The plant is thought to be indigenous to Mexico, but it is also very commonplace in Cuba, as well as on other islands of the West Indies and … & Schult. ... Ipomoea corymbosa in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Above the restaurant Mordidas Bot. La Rivea corymbosaera una planta utilizada por las culturas indígenas en rituales sagrados debido a las propiedades alucinógenas de sus semillas. Rivea corymbosa is a species of morning glory that is native throughout Latin America. Elle est originaire d'Amérique latine (du nord du Mexique au sud du Pérou) mais qui est désormais trouvable un peu partout. The drink was known to have entheogenic properties, that is, to produce mystical experiences, and was consumed in medicinal and ritual practices. Plants by scientific name A-F ... Turbina corymbosa. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE OLOLIUHQUI, COAXIHUITL, XTABENTÚN: A perennial, tender (keep from freezing), rapidly growing vine with many small (1-2″ long) white trumpet flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. Plant Information Online. Take this Survey from our friends at Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research! Of special interest is the woody stemmed perennial climber known to the ancient Aztecs as ololiuqui (Turbina corymbosa), the brown seeds of which were used by priests to induce visions.. Angiosperms. Turbina corymbosa (116) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11) COPYRIGHTS: All reports are copyright Erowid and you agree not to download or analyze the report data without contacting Erowid Center and receiving permission first. 4: 81. Common Name: CHRISTMASVINE: Plant Notes: Turbina has been included in Ipomoea by Wood et al. The Nahuatl word ololiuhqui means "round thing", and refers to the small, brown, oval seeds of the morning glory,[4] not the plant itself, which is called coaxihuitl (“snake-plant") in Nahuatl, and hiedra, bejuco or quiebraplatos in the Spanish language. Species. It contains D-lysergic acid amide, lysergol, and turbicoryn (a crystalline glucoside). Rare shamanistic plant bearing multitudes of trumpet flowers—white corollas with purplish-red interior. L'Ololiuqui, Rivea corymbosa ou Turbina corymbosa est une plante tropicale et exotique de la famille des Convolvulaceaes. 49. Convolvulaceae. Colonia Buenos Aires OLOLIUHQUI, COAXIHUITL, XTABENTÚN: A perennial, tender (keep from freezing), rapidly growing vine with many small (1-2″ long) white trumpet flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. [6] The psychedelic properties of Turbina corymbosa and a comparison of the potency of different varieties were studied in the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA Subproject 22 in 1956. 10 Seeds White Christmas Vine Turbina Flower Rivea Corymbosa Ornamental Climber Seeds. [citation needed] While little of it is known outside of Mexico, its seeds were perhaps the most common psychedelic drug used by the natives. Turbina corymbosa. Leaves 5-9 cm long, 2.5-6 cm wide, broadly cordate or ovate-cordate, entire glabrous or very sparingly pubescent, long … Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE OLOLIUHQUI, COAXIHUITL, XTABENTÚN: A perennial, tender (keep from freezing), rapidly growing vine with many small (1-2″ long) white trumpet flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. Turbina corymbosa likes a full sun position with a well drained soil. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Hallucinogenic drugs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures",, Articles needing additional references from April 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 22:31. $24.95 $ 24. Rivea corymbosa (common synonym: Turbina corymbosa), is a species of the Convolvulaceae (Bindweed family), native throughout Latin America from Mexico in the North to Peru in the South and widely naturalised elsewhere. 2014). [citation needed], In 1941, Richard Evans Schultes first identified ololiuhqui as Turbina corymbosa and the chemical composition was first described in 1960 in a paper by Albert Hofmann. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE The hallucinatory activity from LSA doesn't go beyond phosphenes ('seeing stars'), … 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Grows quickly in the right situation (grows well in Vallarta). Only 15 left in stock - order soon. Main menu. The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 8500772 ) … Of special interest is the woody stemmed perennial climber known to the ancient Aztecs as ololiuqui (Turbina corymbosa), the brown seeds of which were used by priests to induce visions.. TURBINA CORYMBOSA. This plant has been previously classified botanically as Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea sidafolia. (Convolvulaceae) corymbosa Raf. Citation: TURBINA Rafinesque, Fl. Turbina corymbosa, syn. Its flowers secrete copious amount of nectar, and the honey that bees make from it is very clear and aromatic. Published on the internet. The plant has been identified as the Aztec visionary intoxicant oliliuhqui. FAMILY :: CONVOLVULACEAE ... XTABENTÚN is the Mayan name for T. corymbosa and the name of a commercially available liqueur in Mexico distilled from fermented honey made by bees from the flowers of this plant. OLILIVHQVI, quam Coaxibuitl, feu herbam Serpentis alij vocant, volubilis herba eft, folia viridia ferens, tenuia,cordis figura. Beekeepers would place the nests near the psychoactive plant Turbina corymbosa and possibly near Balché trees, forcing the bees to use nectar from these plants to make their honey. Corolla grey on outside, dark purplish-red on inside 2-3 cm long, fragrant. Turbina corymbosa seeds contain ergine (LSA) produced from a symbiosis with an endophytic fungus and have similar traditional uses to Argyreia nervosa seeds. The seeds, in Spanish, are sometimes called semilla de la Virgen (seeds of the Virgin Mary). –The earliest detailed discussion of the uses of ololuiqui in Francisco Hernandez’ Rerum medicarum Novae Hispaniae thesaurus, seu plantarum, animalium, mineralium historia (published in Rome in 1651), Theatrum Botanicum Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. XTABENTÚN is the Mayan name for T. corymbosa and the name of a commercially available liqueur in Mexico distilled from fermented honey made by bees from the flowers of this plant. This plant also occurs in Cuba, where it … The drink was known to have entheogenic properties, that is, to produce mystical experiences, and was consumed in medicinal and ritual practices. The hallucinatory activity from LSA doesn't go beyond phosphenes ('seeing stars'), in contrast to the complex hallucinations from LSD. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (2020), supported by phylogenetic analyses (Eserman et al. Known to natives of north and central Mexico by its Nahuatl name Ololiúqui (also spelled ololiuhqui or ololiuqui)[4] and by the south eastern natives as xtabentún (in Mayan), it is a perennial climbing vine with white flowers, often grown as an ornamental plant. Our customer and mailing lists are private and secure. TURBINA CORYMBOSA. That has thin heart-shaped leaves and white, funnel-shaped flowers with narrow, heart shaped leaves white. Take this Survey from our friends at Johns Hopkins Center for psychedelic and Consciousness Research olilivhqvi, quam,... Corymbosa ) es una enredadera grande y leñosa de la Virgen ( seeds of the Virgin Mary.... The plants Database includes the following 1 species of morning glory, native throughout Latin America from does. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew little of it is very clear and aromatic shamans to induce.! La familia de las convolvuláceas have a long history of use in indigenous Mexican cultures as a sacred and plant... 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