I guess while trying to find the money to pay off all of us, the bookkeeper found some issues with the books. My contract ended not too long after that and that was the last I heard of him.”  Warlizard. Mrs. B keeps telling people to park on our lawn. This time it was themed after space. Needless to say, I considered myself just shy of a professional in design by my mid-twenties. “When I was seven, the Monica Lewinsky scandal happened, and my name happens to be Monica. “I like to buy video game collectibles on eBay. One day we got back from buying candy, and as we’re walking she is being so mean and saying such nasty things,  that I lose my mind. When my dad wanted to build a house in this little bit of woods right off of a new neighborhood on land he bought, he had to get the government to rezone it to be residential. The story: this all took place at an event called “lego league.” The aim of the event is to find a problem and theorize and market a product that can solve it and then build a robot. I could bore you with how much he made life miserable for everyone around him, but I won’t – suffice it to say, a number of us quit and sued (and settled out of court). To me, that should have been the end of it, but this was where the job turned sour. Cut to 12 years later. Friends hanging out in the kitchen. Even as adults, she still talks, treats, and dismisses me like I’m just some 8-year-old kid who’s stomping their feet. We got in an argument that day, and he put the blame on me for giving her my passcode and for leaving my phone unattended when I didn’t trust her, even though he would always tell me I was being dramatic when I would tell him I thought she didn’t like me and has been spreading rumors about me and him. She then tried to win me back and seduce my friends; basically, an immature reaction from an immature person. But anyway, before Chloe left, at the end of 2013, I asked Kay if I could please register to sit the CA exam in 2014. He Stuffed His Brother’s New Shoes So He’s Get The Hand Me Downs. They paid for her to attend some workshops in another city where apparently she ran into her ex and punched him in the face, which resulted in broken fingers. NOTHING could get rid of the smell. I head to my manager’s office with the news who promptly tells me we don’t have the staff for me to leave early and need to work the full shift. Later that day, he got a knock on his door. I knew it was because she was Caucasian and because I wasn’t. Who knows what the full story is (after all, there are three sides to every story – his, hers and the truth…) but it’s fair to say, both of them acted out in this case. Her work was atrocious. The father who owned it decided to let his son (a total f*ck up) run the place for him. I showed this to my manager, and we went to check these magically fixing freezers….. which were, of course, still broken! When I confronted Jay and told him I wanted to keep things professional and leave on a good note, I was told I had I betrayed them. For example, she’d order a chicken sandwich but with all of the ingredients separate and in particular amounts, with cutlery, butter, a side of grated cheese, 3 plates, oil and vinegar on the side, ‘medium rare’ toasted bread (whatever the heck that means), extra packets of ranch – you get the idea. I had my doubts but was too busy trying to teach my manager, the store manager and another random store employee how to cook everything and use the registers and coffee machine. “My dad had an old truck parked on the back of our property that some people kept stealing small parts from (cap, rotor, points, etc). 11.6M views. She’s scared sh*tless and is all like, ‘I’m so sorry, sir,’ and bear in mind, in over 1 year, I NEVER heard her apologize to anyone. The look on my ex’s face when her roommate walked me to the door in her underwear after the first night was priceless. Read on to live vicariously, absorbing the revenge you never got to live out! My real passion is graphic design though. Check out Part 2 for more deliciously hilarious stories of revenge by clicking here. There were 2 sets of keys to the whole house, and both of us (Me and Ashley) as the party planners had them. If the state or local prosecutor wanted to conduct an investigation, I’d go with an attorney and deny any involvement. The legal time limit has expired for anyone to do anything about it in any legal capacity. Once I got home, the tears came flooding out. No abuse, no narcissism, no crazy church stuff. Manager called a meeting with all parties, and I received an apology and was told I would be supported more by certain colleagues. She almost went to jail, but Junior’s father stopped it after she threatened to expose his affair. After explaining what happened, she made him go into the field and find my shoe. He Personally Moved His Neighbour’s Car After Asking Him Not To Park There. Most of them were pretty gross but not in a way that makes you question humanity, just generally dirtier than I would like to live. Over the next five months until he sadly passed, I was given 4 days total to go back and help. These errors were never picked up by the senior accountant because he didn’t review her work properly. Nothing overt, but constant subtle pressure was put on everyone whose badge said, ‘Contractor’ on it. I wonder if this has ever happened to me after I’ve come up with a good name: Excuse my pessimistic rant, but we can all agree that not everyone is decent. He never expected me to leave so quickly. Next time, I won’t let her.” I don’t like to get her involved because she doesn’t do anything… It’s easier to just let P have her way than to fight her about it. I got tearful calls from some of them begging me to forgive and forget. I had heard from another employee that she told Junior I hung up on the person after cussing them out. 31. They gave me the penny and I chucked it out into the street and left. Now it’s Jess’s turn and she utters this marvelous sentence: “The thing works by extending another thing and grabbing trash. However, some people would argue it's best served petty. Everyone is scurrying around for an after-school snack. Not being a total jerk, I grabbed a box is saltine crackers, a couple of bottles of Gatorade, some aspirin, and a plastic cup (for water) and put them in there with him. My mother would even take us from home out of spite for my father and have us stay with her abusive family members for days and sometimes weeks. She was afraid of me, a little seven-year-old girl.” ohappydagger I always did well on the tests so he would always look over and copy the answers from my scantron. The Reviewer Revenge. We wanted to see how far people would go to get back at those who wronged them, and they held nothing back. Why she would think or say those things to someone is beyond me. One night, he sent cops to my parent’s house where I was still living, telling them I had done something I didn’t do. It was SATISFYING.” Whosyabobby I couldn’t afford to live in a dorm anywhere. It starts syncing all of my content to my new phone. Not only did they abuse each other, but my mother would physically abuse us with regular beatings, and my father would neglect us, allowing her to hurt us. This new girl is awesome, cool, fun and sexy, but within a week of dating her, I realize something else about her. Well, my dad would regularly come home to find someone else parked in his spot. His dad (divorced parents) is severely homophobic. We still have a bond – and that’s all I want.” BurnItDown_, 10. I never went to school for design. 7. “I feel I should start by saying I really don’t like my brother. 35 Gray Root Makeovers That Glow Up Instead Of Cover Up, 31 Dogs Who Look Totally Different Before And After Visiting The Groomers, People Share Their "Putting A Bully In Their Place" Revenge Stories, People Share Their "White Hot" Tales Of Revenge, People Share Their "So Petty, It Hurts" Revenge Stories, People Share Their Small But Despicable Revenge Stories, © 2020Metaspoon. I was pretty good friends with the guy sharing the room with him, another full-time employee and one day,’Robert’ called me up. She says she can’t talk. I’m paraphrasing, but: “Thank you for contacting us. What Are Your Most Satisfying Revenge Stories? As soon as I finished the exam, I started to look for another role. Then, he filled that puppy up and made a really pretty display. For each of us. I start freaking out, but I instantly knew it was her. I get back on the phone with her and I said. This was hard as I had to find the right fuel, the right engines, the cost of workers, the layout of the insides, the combined weight of the structure, the places we get our materials from, and who our demographic is. He mumbled something I couldn’t hear, and I had to step in to “save” his performance. Naturally, her friends with upset with her and told me about it. Needless to say, P couldn’t sleep on the bed. He ended up making a 2% on that test and never cheated off me again." I left on schedule. Physical fighting, screaming matches, destruction of each other’s property, and then a short honeymoon phase… I witnessed it all. They just found the perfect name for their new business. We agreed and started working. The only car seat that was completely untouched was his own.” TacoinaToaster, 38. By the time I reached my early teenage years, I made a decision to sabotage them at any chance I got. The woman who will feature prominently later in this story, and we’ll call Mrs. B from now on, suggested that the land would be much better suited for horses to frolic in. Not only that but he … She Won’t Make A Lunch With Love When She’s Angry, 16. One day a local guy decided to open up a little store that sold the basics like groceries and rented movies. So, I go to the hardware store and picked up three of those 3-foot orange safety cones, and I put a sign on each one of them: slow down, residential neighborhood, kids at play. I guess you could say he doesn’t know what he thinks he knows.” andrewkelly87. Every time he’d send me on some stupid errand, I’d think of how he was confessing his private life to the character I’d created. You get chunky ocean-wise tuna in organic olive oil. She had come back from traveling to a high-risk country, and our residence offered her a separate apartment to quarantine herself and even offered to do her shopping for her. So, I said screw this guy; I’ll buy your item. It is a total pain to count out all of the change, so typically drivers will just assume that he has the correct amount and leave. She continues screaming, so my dad gets on the phone and calls the fire department once again, asking if anyone has called to complain about a fire at his property, to which they respond to say no fires had been reported that day at all yet… So, my dad hangs up and starts calling Mrs. B the liar that she is and to go back to her house and quit disturbing us. People Share Their "Putting A Bully In Their Place" Revenge Stories . I made each of them think I was siding with them after arguments, getting them to talk to me, and then took their dirty secrets back and forth to increase their distrust of each other. I yelled back, “Have some crackers and Gatorade!” and turned up the speakers a bit. Bob: *Losing his sh*t at her* ‘So who the f*ck do you think you are? The day comes, and I hand my group mates the script, but during the day, all computers and personal electronics were banned unless it’s an emergency. Got much on for the day? Also, I consider myself sharper than the average bear, and I didn’t enact my plan without thinking it through and thinking about the consequences of my actions. By pure random chance, I had gone out and met that girl, and was now dating her. Posts must be stories of revenge. Rape/revenge movies generally follow the same three act structure: Act I: A woman is raped/gang raped, tortured, and left for dead. She Threw Pop Rocks Into Her Sister’s Eyes, 15. Soon, Mrs. B came strutting on the road, phone in hand, yelling at my dad that she’s calling the fire department. Oh, remember how I said this was my dad’s accountant? 19. “A few months out of college, I got a job working in the courts. I asked for $12/hr, which I felt was more than reasonable to be the only employee, manager, and graphic designer for a franchise vape shop. The boys look nothing alike. The aggressor sure got what he/she deserved, sometimes ten-fold. The news traveled through the grapevine in the family quickly. Intrigued? This Girl Went Public In the Most Despicable Way. Jump to. My personal tasks started to lag as I was constantly mobbed by patients. He crawled through the grass for about an hour before it finally turned up.” Taln_Noro They kept me updated on what’s going on. Because she likes to gossip to her lowlife friends on the phone about a whole lot of stuff when she thinks nobody is around. He would shower her with everything and it was not enough for her. Petty Revenge Stories. Nobody in the neighborhood knew of anybody in the town who owned horses, and there wasn’t enough land for horses to legally be allowed to live upon it…. 32. He would scream and carry on but always make sure to pull you aside to do it out of the public’s eye. Look, I’m all about people’s private lives remaining private, and I probably wouldn’t have done anything if he hadn’t so consistently been awful to me. She might have tried to call the cops, but would the cops even acknowledge her if she told them that her neighbors firetruck drove by spewing black smoke all over her yard sale items ruining them? It was my last shift and there was this house that was always rude (I called to asked what the house looked like and they said, ‘I gave you the address’ and hung up), never tipped, etc. I stole money from my father in small amounts. He starts crying and we run to the teacher. Needless to say, I got a written apology by the teacher and by Jess, but for Jess. Diesel fuel stinks really bad when it’s been coal rolled. I cut off contact with my mother. ... Landlords Share Outrageous Stories About Their Strangest Tenants. For the whole summer. Around 10 am, I turned the thunderstorm off. Anyway, one day she says she needs the driver to make change and she wants him to just leave the change in the envelope and not take a tip because ‘he gets paid already.’ So I tell my driver this and he says, ‘Ohhh I get paid, do I? After a year of dealing with her and B*tch’s sh*t, I was being axed. And to mooch a meal off of us, since it was near dinner time. He is quite well-known around our school, and he felt he wasn’t ready to come out. This is where I met the practice manager who would become the bane of my existence for the following year. The windows were boarded up for a couple of weeks, and he bought new product. Turns out they are one the practices we handle. I felt uncomfortable with the silence, so I attempted to make some small talk. Well, where is the revenge do you ask? Some revenge is forgivable, others not so much, and for all the ones in between, some become forgotten – like my friend who married the guy who broke into her second-story apartment and poured bleach all over her room and clothes as payback for who knows what. 8. Zane noticed that Ex would say lots of horrible things about me and Heaven even when he was in the boy’s locker room, so he recorded it. (They were antiques, but they’d still get the job down and were ready to.) I pulled out the wedges, opened the door, and saw my brother’s pathetic a** curled up in the shower stall. When I got home, P was already there and told me that she calls dibs on the bed. I can’t afford it, so I just deal with it. In fact, many have said they would have done the same.” IncapableKiwi, “I would consider sending anonymous letters to the good people there about how Sally’s incompetence and attitude are screwing them over.” Arokthis, 3. 22. She Tickled Her Bully Until She Fell And Broke Her Leg, 30. I told him what happened, and at the end, I added, “By the way, I quit.” “But I was going to fire you!” Junior said. I’ll Let Your Business Rot. She also worked no more than 8 hours a day. *loud sigh of anger* Don’t ask me; he wrote it”. Whilst I still ensured patients would be treated right, I made sure he would f*ck up every admin task to the job: filing notes wrong, mishandling information, taking smoke breaks (wasn’t allowed at all), told him to override blocked slots, never told him to log his phone in so the calls were piling up. I walk up to him and the following conversation ensues: Me – Hey! My charge out rate was low, so why not? When my dad bought his property with a few acres, it was decided that a barn would be built to store the firetrucks on my dad’s property. Now a year or so after the barn is built, another local fire department my grandpa is involved with is working on selling one of their old trucks, a giant Ford Louisville model, basically a semi-truck with a firetruck body. Lagavulin 16, to be specific, so not a cheap bottle. It was so nice to talk to someone like him who really understood me. She hugged people. One user sums up what makes for a tasty pro revenge story, saying that it typically has a villain with an absolute lack of morals and a hero who approaches the situation reasonably and rationally. And an empty bottle of scotch that I had purchased only a few days before and not opened yet. Since it was a collectible, and now all busted up, he no longer can re-sell the item to anyone else as it will have no value in the condition it “arrived in.”, All in all, I wasted a little bit of gas driving it back to the post office to return it and a little bit of time, but screwing someone over for being a d-bag never felt so good, and it was totally worth it.” MyBoyBeh. ( no requests for Ideas or excessive minor updates ) 4 everyone whose badge said, ‘ oh, do. Friend decided to put a stop to it us running the truck sit too long could cause.... Like some sort of super villain, sending out my cat minions to do simple tasks here ’ s and! Long distance, and starts counting cash * space after the incident and she was to. Was attempting to make some small talk absorbing the revenge you never got to their house and left the of. Just throw the sheets in the family situation deteriorated a constant stream inconveniences. 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