Although peat moss can be found in potting soils in nearly every gardening center in the world, harvesting peat moss is not a sustainable practice . Industry professionals recognize Canadian Sphagnum peat moss as the superior base for soilless horticultural growing mixes. Gardeners typically want to be environmentally conscious. The Sphagnum moss is a natural, green plant that grows in bogs. Sphagnum peatlands make up only a small fraction of the landscape of south-eastern Australia, but form a distinctive and unique habitat. The key question then becomes, is coir more sustainable than peat moss? If harvesting operations occur on private land in peatlands containing rare or threatened species, a permit is required under the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995. However, with the wide range of alternatives available, I don’t see the need to damage fragile ecosystems that provide natural water filtration, house rare plants and wildlife, and help mitigate global warming. Ponds in this restored bog are essential to the development of peat. Sphagnum is a genus of approximately 380 accepted species of mosses, commonly known as "peat moss" though they are different as peat moss has a more acidic pH level.Accumulations of Sphagnum can store water, since both living and dead plants can hold large quantities of water inside their cells; plants may hold 16 to 26 times as much water as their dry weight, depending on the species. Mosswool® slabs are made of sphagnum moss, which is harvested with a patented ecological method. It takes one thousand years for them to grow a yard in depth. A … It comes on a rating scale; AAA grade is what you want to use for orchids. Decomposed or partally decomposed sphagnum peat moss is what is used in the garden to amend soil. First, let's review some definitions. In cold climates, peat is typically formed from mosses. It is typically mixed with white specks of perlite, a mineral that is expanded by heating. To preserve the vitality of those areas for many generations still, Premier Tech Horticulture actively participates in the restoration of peat bogs. When peat is harvested, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. The high water table and mossy vegetation of Sphagnum peatlands result in a fragile ecosystem sensitive to disturbance. (Some rivers and streams stopped flowing in Scotland when a peatland was drained for a forestry project, and extensive and expensive restoration efforts are under way.). Peat is the product of the natural processes that bogs go through. In parts of Europe where there is a local abundance, peat is used in factories as a commercial energy source. Despite uncertainty, findings suggest that the production of a sphagnum moss menstrual pad is provisionally workable with regards to ecological sustainability, meeting the needs of women, and technical capability. Peat is an organic material comprised of dead vegetation (leaves, stems, roots, trunks) that has partially decomposed in a water-saturated, oxygen-poor environment. It is the basis of swamp land, forming over thousands of years. The challenges of growing Sphagnum are manifold. Happily, the whisky industry generally has a good reputation for using their resources of peat in a sustainable fashion. Click to see full answer Similarly one may ask, is the use of peat moss sustainable? Des pite uncertainty, findings suggest that the production of a sphagnum moss menstrual pad is provisionally workable with regards to ecological sustainability, meeting the needs of women, and technical capability. Although peat moss can be found in potting soils in nearly every gardening center in the world, harvesting peat moss is not a sustainable practice . In seeking short-term profit, they often over-pick a site leaving little for natural regeneration and take little care when harvesting. It is harvested by hand so there is no damage done to the bog and the root structure of the plant is left in place so it can regrow. Traditionally harvesting is usually carried out by hand, with other vegetation (usually rushes) cleared with a scrub cutter and rake. The University of Calgary's Department of Geology determined that CSPMA's removal of sphagnum peat only contributed 0.006 percent of the world's total carbon emissions or 0.1 percent of Canada's emissions. There is currently no legal harvesting from these communities. If used at all, the fertiliser should be a low grade, organic variety. sites with a minimum average January temperature of 10. contain rare or threatened plant/animal species or communities; Avoiding the use of machinery that cuts up bog surfaces. Sphagnum is a type of moss that’s most notable for its amazing absorption ability, capable of taking in 20 times as much water by weight as the moss’s dry weight. Once again, a restored peat bog will be as effective as natural peatlands for sequestering carbon and supporting animal … The Sphagnum moss used in our products is a natural, green plant that grows in bogs. Nowadays, peat and peat moss are used a lot in gardening and other horticultural purposes. Sphagnum moss at different stages of life: from green, lush, and full of live to decomposed. Illegal harvesting is an increasing problem. To me, that's an example of sustainable management. Only a few hundred hectares will be used for collecting in the next few years. Leaving an even surface, so that all remaining Sphagnum is close to the watertable, reduces both drying out and localised flooding. Sphagnum moss was already used during World War 1 for treating wounds. Instead they build up and compact to … If plants need more nutrients or a higher pH, other substances can be mixed with the peat without losing the beneficial qualities. For Decorative Preserved Moss, please click here. Nowadays, peat and peat moss are used a lot in gardening and other horticultural purposes. Here in Minnesota and Wisconsin we do harvest Sphagnum moss is a sustainable way. Sphagnum moss is a living plant when harvested, but when we purchase it, it has been thoroughly dried. Regrowth in a harvested peat bog will eventually form the peat of the future. Within Australia  as a whole the total amount of Sphagnum moss is very small compared to South America, New Zealand  and many European countries. Some shading protects Sphagnum from drying out in summer while a lack of shade may allow other plants to outcompete Sphagnum. Sourcing sphagnum moss As part of MoorLIFE 2020 we are tasked with innovating a sustainable method of sourcing sphagnum moss, the fundamental plant of blanket bogs, which is sorely missing from much of the Peak District and South Pennines. feedback form or by telephone. Case in point: peat makes a great growing medium that many gardeners rely on for everything from seed starting to amending garden soil. Terms of Service apply. Retaining at least 30% of the moss cover results in a faster recovery than leaving a bare peat surface. So what's an environmentally conscious gardener to do? The harvested fibres of Sphagnum moss are used by the horticultural industry, where the water-holding characteristics make it a useful potting medium favoured by some commercial orchid nurseries and some other niche growers. If so, global warming is likely to reduce their chances of long-term survival. Are we encouraging people to destroy rare habitats just so our container plants can have extensive root systems? Fortunately, 95 percent of the sphagnum peat moss available in the United States comes from the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA). Approximately 99 percent of Canada’s total national production comes from the combined operations of the 20 corporate groups that form the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA.) ... sustainable solutions. Spaghnum moss is the actual living plant material, while peat moss is dead, dead, and deader. Peat and Sphagnum moss complement each other in terms of their beneficial microbes and compounds. I will continue to recommend sphagnum peat moss as a soil amendment and use it in my own gardens. This organization emphasizes sustainable harvesting practices and restoration efforts. Canadian peat producers say that the mining is sustainable and that harvested bogs are returned to living sphagnum moss peatland after five years. It is resistant to the spreading of various fungi and diseases harmful to plants in growing media. You can use it as a decorative enhancement or bedding in flower arrangements. It is totally sustainable and renewable. Sphagnum, known as ‘Sphagnum paludiculture’ or ‘Sphagnum farming’, has been tested in several locations. It is harvested live from peat bogs (it's a sustainable resource) and tends to come in longer pieces; this is mostly due to better harvesting techniques. We see no impact on water bodies. Traditionally Sphagnum moss is used to cover metal rings as the base of holly wreaths at Christmas. Virgin peatlands contain as much as 95 percent water. If not, we might as well stick with peat moss. Sphagnum moss exports from Australia are subject to the Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1982 and require a licence from Environment Australia. Anonymous. In Tasmania the community – Sphagnum peatland – is listed as a threatened native vegetation community on Schedule 3A of the Nature Conservation Act 2002. Sphagnum regeneration is slow, or sometimes absent, where a bare peat surface is left after harvesting. Sphagnum Moss. This ecological community incorporates all areas of bog and fen in montane and alpine areas, with any harvesting from these bogs and fens requiring rigorous assessment against ecological impacts. Sphagnum moss harvesting should not be carried out in the following: Where harvesting takes place, the impacts on a site can be minimised by: Biodiversity Monitoring SectionRosemary GalesLevel 5, 134 Macquarie StreetHobart TAS 7000Phone: 03 6165 4317Email: Historically, peat has been harvested as fuel. Most moss harvesting sites show signs of degradation, including altered drainage and a decline in plant growth. The study explores the feasibility of commercially producing a sphagnum moss menstrual product in New Zealand. For many years, sustainable peatland management and the protection of ecosystems such as its sphagnum peat moss harvesting sites have been firm commitments at Premier Tech Horticulture. December 16, 2010 1:24 am. Harvested moss is put into nylon wool bales which weigh between 100 and 120 kg when wet. Archaeologists are able to fill in pieces of the human history puzzle from these anthropological treasures. Culturally, peatlands have been used for thousands of years as food sources, medicine, burial grounds, and fuel. They won't look the same for another thousand years, but the commitment to restore the peatlands' properties assures that the habitat is not lost. Basically, there are two forms of the sphagnum moss when sold commercially, long-fibered moss and milled moss. The Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association, representing 14 major producers, ... "Any forest is sustainable if you plant more trees," but the original old-growth trees are gone. At some Tasmanian sites drains have been built around the edge of the peatland to allow easier extraction, but this may cause long-term damage. Learn more about fresh Moss here. Several of the world's largest wetlands are sphagnum-dominated bogs, including the West Siberian Lowland, the Hudson Bay Lowland and the Mackenzie River Valley. It’s basically a natural sponge. Mosswool® is the sustainable and total costs saving growing media for vegetable cultivation. Wholesale Flowers direct to your door. Tasmania's largest area of Sphagnum lies between 600 m and 1360 m. The total area of Sphagnum peatlands in Tasmania is approximately 5200 ha (or 0.006%). But as with many natural resources, peat collection is often done exhaustively. In Victoria, Sphagnum peatlands are listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. There has however been a decline in its use in recent years due to the development of cheaper alternative products and reduction in commercial availability of Sphagnum. Peat is major component of nearly all soil-less mixes. (Quebec Peat Moss Producers Association) It is the basis of swamp land, forming over thousands of years. As it grows, it spreads onto drier areas and turns those into bogs as well. It is totally sustainable and renewable. These bales are carried out by either - dragging by hand, using tramways, three-wheeled motorcycles and bulldozers with varying degrees of damage to the site. When peat is harvested, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In Tasmania, Sphagnum moss grew more than ten times as quickly in sheltered sites than higher sites. The lack of oxygen and soil microbes in peatlands suspends the normal decomposition that occurs in your garden. In Victoria, the growth rate at the high altitude (1380 m) site at Baw Baw was 1.9 cm/year and 5.2 cm/year at the sheltered site at 900 m in the Central Highlands. Nothing is as simple as it seems. To me, that's an example of sustainable management. After researching the issue, I believe the harvesting of peat moss is approached with the right mix of commerce, conservation, and restoration. Historically, peat has been harvested as fuel. Find out when to order. They act as huge water filters, removing toxins and metals. Some countries fill in the space with agricultural crops, agri-forest, or retention lakes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); © 1972 - 2020 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by EscondidoCal and is called "Roselle ". Mosswool® is the sustainable and total costs saving growing media for vegetable cultivation. It is not a perfect substitute for peat moss, but for the purpose of this post let’s assume it is good enough to be used as an alternative potting media. These areas provide habitat for common and rare species. Ancient societies treated their wounds with peat and buried their dead in peatlands to mummify the bodies. Another difference is that sphagnum moss has neutral pH, unlike peat moss which is acidic. This irreversibly changes the habitat, reduces the numbers of endemic peatland species, releases carbon into the atmosphere, and alters the hydrology. Although sphagnum moss is generally dominant, peat bogs are rich in other, sometimes rare, plant life, including cranberries, sundew and pitcher plants, evergreen shrubs and trees, and orchids. This incorporates all Sphagnum communities in Tasmania including the lowland occurrences. As Sphagnum moss grows, the lower part of the plant dies and accumulates below the soil surface to form peat moss in the wet, acidic environment. Peat moss is not a sustainable option for gardening on any level. The moss will be a sustainable raw material in the future. The average growth rate of a peat ‘moss’ is around 1mm a year, ... sensitive issue. MOSSWOOL developed a special patented Light Sphagnum Removal technique that harvests only a part of the living moss, pressing out the water contained in the moss and returning it back to the bog’s natural habitat. I can’t comment on peat moss, but coco coir is NOT sustainable. Questions concerning its content can be sent using the Sustainable Peat Moss. To it peatlands also play a critical role in global warming the to! And mossy vegetation of sphagnum peatlands occur in Tasmania, New South Wales the! In water and Environment ( Tasmania ) streams and rivers during dry times moss which harvested... Berger has also participated in multiple research projects to develop sustainable peatland operation techniques 40 % increases growth.... Parts of Europe where there is currently no legal harvesting from these.... Is more sustainable if it is resistant to the development of peat.... Has negative Environmental Consequences of peat can have extensive root systems not, we should consider! 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