It also delays the ageing effect, leaving behind healthy and radiant skin. Jaggery is also blood purifier, so people with blood or skin disorders can replace refined sugar use with jaggery. 35 Benefits of Jaggery for Amazing Skin and Health. Here’s how you can use jaggery on your face: Jaggery is a completely natural ingredient with no side effects. To reap its benefits, you can mix jaggery to warm water or your tea instead of sugar, and consume it on daily basis. Niranjani 1,222 Views. GARLIC AND HONEY BENEFITS FOR HEALTH, SKIN AND HAIR; Health Benefits Of Jaggery 1. 7. Benefits of Jaggery But very few people know that jaggery is also a source of glycolic acid – part of alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHA) – which has multiple benefits for the skin: it reduces fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and uneven skin color. Hyperpigmentation, a skin disease inherited from the ancestors and also the dark spots on the skin can be treated by jaggery. It helps in removing toxins from the body, relieving constipation and making your skin glow, hydrated and healthy. 8. Jaggery is a cardio tonic, according to ayurvedic science, so it is used in heart weakness. “When used with the right ingredients, jaggery can also help with acne scars and reduce pigmentation,” says Dr Reddy. This natural sweetener is an effective way to boost immunity, regulate body temperature, enrich the skin, improve digestion and cure joint pain, apart from a number of other mind-blowing health benefits. Benefits of Jaggery for Skin and Hair: Nourishes the skin: Jaggery is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. Jaggery vs. brown sugar vs. honey. Jaggery is made using traditional methods of pressing and distilling palm or cane juice. Jaggery is rich in antioxidants, particularly selenium. As a result, it keeps your body well nourished and keeps your skin healthy. All you need to do is mix 2 teaspoons of honey along with some drops of lemon juice in tablespoon of jaggery and make a paste. Benefits of Jaggery for skin shows marvelous results even on the hereditary skin diseases. Jaggery is prepared by natural means without the use of any chemicals, preservatives or synthetic additives. Jaggery contains glycolic acid which makes the skin soft. Studies show that eating jaggery does wonder to the respiratory system. Jaggery can be your panacea as it has numerous health benefits including weight loss. Eating jaggery in winter season keeps the body warm and healthy and gently safeguard the body from cold and cough. Moreover, jaggery has glycolic acid which smooths your skin texture making it soft and supple. This prevents pimples and acne and makes the skin look free of any blemishes. Relieves From Cold And Cough very effective jaggery benefits. Other benefits and uses of jaggery. Benefits Respiratory System. Rich in many vital minerals and vitamins, jaggery acts as a natural cleansing agent for your skin and body. #6. Jaggery is a good source of iron, so it … Jaggery, a natural sweetening agent is prepared from fresh sugarcane juice, date or palm juice. By adding jaggery to your diet, you can get a wide range of health benefits that you may not have thought this food will provide. This is a 3-step process (): Extraction: The canes or palms are … Want to satiate your sweet cravings without worrying much about the calories? When enough nourishment is provided to your skin, the skin remains healthy and … Improves Skin.