* All courses are delivered entirely online through CourseLink, the University of Guelph's online learning management system. The Department of Food Science and Nutrition prepares its graduates for careers that involve the application of science, technology, engineering, and regulatory compliance to address current food- and health-related issues. Welcome to the Department of Food Science at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) of Rutgers University. Students gain the knowledge and training needed to enter careers in food and beverage scaling and processing, food product design and development, microbiology analytical laboratories, and regulatory agencies (FDA and USDA). If you are looking to advance your career in the food industry, develop new job responsibilities in a food-related industry, or build food industry skills for a new position or change in career, then this program is well suited for you. Master's and doctoral programs in food science usually focus on advanced, specialized training. The Food Science Certificate program is comprised of five online degree-credit food science courses. Food Safety training courses and Food Science courses offered by Rutgers, including HACCP training, food microbiology, sensory evaluation, and more. That could enable professionals to seek additional expertise in a certain knowledge or skill area. The ever-expanding field of food science encompasses a wide range of careers in food-related work, the nation’s largest occupational sector. The Food Science Certificate program is designed to provide you with a broad understanding of this discipline. Because of this, certificates in food science or nutrition may have a narrower focus on specific topics within the field. This certificate is open to all degree-seeking undergraduate students. Food scientists are vintners, cheese makers, food safety experts, and product developers. The food science program at UF offers formal food science training for students pursuing their bachelor’s degree. The Food Studies Graduate Certificate Program offers UCLA PhD, MA, MS, and professional school students the opportunity to investigate this growing field through an interdisciplinary curriculum. These are just a few of the career options available with a degree from the School of Food Science. Get a Bachelor of Science Degree in Food Science & Technology. Broaden and update your food skills! We are a student-oriented program that emphasizes fundamental principles of food biology, food chemistry, and food processing to prepare graduates to be leaders in development of new, wholesome, nutritious, and safe food products. Food Science and Nutrition Graduate Certificate Programs: These are typically shorter than degree programs. Students must be over the age of 21 by the time they take the lab requirements (FOOD SCI 551 Food Fermentation Laboratory or FOOD SCI 552 Food Fermentation Laboratory: The Science of Wine).For more information, or to declare the certificate, contact Monica Theis (mltheis@wisc.edu). Courses may be taken individually or as part of the certificate program.