The Ain-i-Akbari gives the names of fifty-nine topmost Persian poets who had been patronized by Akbar. Akbar paid much attention to music and was the patron of all who practice this enchanting art. All Time. He wrote a book known as Tuzek-e-Babari which is highly esteemed by the Turkish Literature. MUGHAL EMPIRE MUGHAL EMPIRE Religious ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 757f2f-NWRkO The result was that many first rate Hindu composers such as Tulsi Das, Sur Das, Abdur Rahim Khan Khana, Ras Khan and Birbar. Geben Sie hier den Titel des Buches, den Autor, den Verlag, das Jahr der Veröffentlichung sowie die verwendeten Seiten an. The tolerant and benevolent policy of Mughal Emperor Akbar and his patronage of learning, coupled with internal peace and prosperity and freedom from foreign danger, made possible the conditions in which art and literature flourished. The Mahabharata, Ramayana, Atharva Veda, Lilawati, Rajatarangini was translated into Persian. One has to turn to the pages of Mishra Bandhu Vinod and Ram Chandra Shukla’s Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas to appreciate the spirit of the age which was responsible for the golden period of Hindi poetry. It was a fashion with writers in that age to leave behind collections of letters which were considered to be models of literary style. “Paramilitary forces allege of step-motherly treatment meted by the government as compared to military.” Discuss. Persian poetry occupied the next place. At his court Hindu and Muslim music mingled and became one. Get the plugin now. The poets of the Mughal period writing in Persain paid more attention to their familiar theme, which, in most cases was love. Malik Muhammad Jayasis Padmavat and Keshav’s Ram Chandrika were also written during the same period. Some critics looked upon him as even greater than Tulsi Das. India - India - The Mughal Empire, 1526–1761: The Mughal Empire at its zenith commanded resources unprecedented in Indian history and covered almost the entire subcontinent. MUGHAL GARDEN AT HUMAYUN’S TOMB • The laying down of the gardens in the Persian style was introduced by Babur and continued till the period of Shah Jahan 15. Another famous musician was Baba Ram Das. Persian literature may be classified under two heads, namely. Many other courtiers of Akbar, such as, Birbar, Man Singh, TodarMal and others, were lovers of Hindi poetry. The gardens in Mughal India created a natural environment and provided exotic fruits, flowers, herbs, trees and vegetables. But in 1620, Jahangir fell sick, and so ensued the familiar quest for power. Jahangir and Shah Jahan were also fond of music. Mughal contributions to literature and Music Development of Literature during the Mughal Period Interdiction There was a tremendous development in the field of literature during the Mughal times. The Mughal Period was an period of growth of literature in India. He is supposed to rank with Amir Khusrau and Amir Hasan Dehlvi, and was, thus, one of the three Indian poets of Persian whose works were read outside India. The Mughal period produced a vast literature. The Mughal period is associated with a growth in beautiful art and architecture. Under the first category letters and poetry occupied a prominent place. Besides being a master of Persian, Arabic and Turki he was also a first-rate scholar of Sanskrit and a poet of Hindi and Rajasthani. It was a fashion with writers in that age to leave behind collections of letters which were considered to be models of literary style. However, the Mughals did not like to be called Mughal or Mongol. The most important work is Hamznama, which consisted 1200 paintings. Mian Tansen is also regarded as one of the best musician in the history of India. Some of these commentaries possess independent literary value. The Indian Literature witnessed the golden age during the Mughal Rule. He too was a lover of learning and had establihsed a big Library. Probably he was attached to Akbar’s court and was popularly known as the “blind bard of Agra”. The hotel has launched a new wing – The ‘Khwab Mahal’ – Palace of Dreams. The tolerant and benevolent policy of Mughal Emperor Akbar and his patronage of learning, coupled with internal peace and prosperity and freedom from foreign danger, made possible the conditions in which art and literature flourished. He invited a large number of painters from different parts of the country to his court. Besides, Hindus also contributed to the growth of Persian literature. Another Muslim poet of Hindi was Ras Khan, who was a devotee of Lord Krishna and an author of a large number of first-rate poems which depict Shri Krishna’s life in the woods of Vrindaban. The Mughal period was the golden period for Hindi Poetry. Actions. The Indian Literature witnessed the golden age during the Mughal Rule. Their monuments, artifacts and literature show a period of great wealth and culture. The most important of them was his own elder brother Abul Faizi. The next important Hindi poet was Sur Das who was even more prolific a writer than Tulsi Das. Persian literature may be classified under two heads, namely. The most important of them was his own elder brother Abul Faizi. Many Mughal emperors and members of the royal family were great men of letters. Wurde Literatur in Ihrer Präsentation verwendet, müssen Sie diese gesondert von den Online-Quellen angeben. Persian poetry occupied the next place. The first place among the poets of the age, both Hindu and Persian, belongs to Tulsi Das who, however, was not known to Akbar personally. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! The tolerant and benevolent policy of Mughal Emperor Akbar and his patronage of learning, coupled with […] It served the Persians and the Mughals as an easy vehicle to give expression to their natural love of beauty. Tansen composed many ragas. In Northern India, Jahangir's forces under Khurram defeated their other principal adversary, the Raja of Kangra, in 1615; in the Deccan, his victories further consolidated the empire. Legend and folk tale have preserved the memory of this great saint and musician. Literature of Mughal Period The Mughal Period was an period of growth of literature in India. View by Category Toggle navigation. Akbar’s reign was also marked by the advent of Muslim poets in the field of Hindi literature and poetry. Indian scholars are appreciate of the literary works of Mughal Period. Mughal paintings reached its climax during the reign of Jahangir. Show: Recommended. The Ramayana is a masterpiece and that Tulsi Das was a great genius. In fact, poetry was, in medieval age, the most popular vehicle of literary expression and Muslims, both Indian and foreign, were particularly fond of it. PDF | On Jul 21, 2017, Sanobar Haider published Mughal Painting | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate MUGHAL EMPIRE MUGHAL EMPIRE Religious Conflicts MUGHAL EMPIRE Akbar MUGHAL EMPIRE Akbar (cont.) DMPQ- Assess the reasons why the Six-Day War of 1967 was followed by the Yom Kippur War only three years later. Sur Das, son of the celebrated singer Ram Das and one of the greatest Hindi poets of all times, was also a musician of Akbar’s court. The Ain-i-Akbari gives the names of fifty-nine topmost Persian poets who had been patronized by Akbar. There were some other writers also who took interest in Urdu poetry and enriched the Urdu literature. The department functioned under his personal supervision. He wrote Badshah Nama. Among original compositions in Persian, historical literature easily occupied the first place. Many other collections from the pen of other distinguished essayists have come down to us and some of them are likely to yield material for a cultural history of the period. One has to turn to the pages of Mishra Bandhu Vinod and Ram Chandra Shukla’s Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas to appreciate the spirit of the age which was responsible for the golden period of Hindi poetry. In fact, poetry was, in medieval age, the most popular vehicle of literary expression and Muslims, both Indian and foreign, were particularly fond of it. Shaikh Abu-al-Fazal-ibn Mubarak, also known as Abul-Fazl, was an extemely talented personality of Literature. 1 Koch, Mughal Architecture HAA 183 Lecture: Syllabus and Readings Fall 2008: M, W 11 -12am, Sackler 318 Professor Ebba Koch Sackler 413; (617) 495-2355 Office hours: Monday 3:00–5:00 MUGHAL IMPERIAL ARCHITECTURE (1526-1858 A.D.) AND ITS LINKS TO CENTRAL ASIA, IRAN AND THE WEST From the 16 th to the 18 th centuries India was synonymous with the "Empire of … Akbar wanted to bring about a fusion of the Hindu and Muslim cultures and in order to provide a common literature to the intelligentsia of the land, established at his court a translation department in which were employed high-ranking scholars of Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. Babar and Humauan were lovers of literature. MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE Azizur Khan Tanvi Gujarathi Akshata Hase Swapnil Kanse Nikhil Mehta 2. In fact, some Muslim poets interpreted Indian culture so successfully that if their names were to be omitted from their composition, it would be indistinguishable from that of the Hindu scholars and poets. Free + Easy to edit + Professional + Lots backgrounds. There were many in Akbar’s days that practiced it as a regular profession, while others resorted to it as a means of relaxation, or in pursuit of culture. The influence exercised by his glorious and victorious reign, his well- known preference for Hindu thought and mode of life, together with his policy of complete religious toleration and recognition of merit, combined with peace, both internal and external, engendered a bracing atmosphere for the development of thought and literature. Even the puritan emperor Aurangzeb, who condemned Abul Fail as a heretic, commended the latter’s style to his sons. The Mughal period was the golden period for Hindi Poetry. Titles given by mughal empire Tital Person Field Ruler Jagat Guru Harivijay Suri Jain Religion Akbar Zari Kalam Mohammad Hasain Literature Akbar Sirin Kalam Abdus Samad Literature Akbar Raj Kavi Faizi Literature Akbar Kavi Priya Birbal Literature Akbar Nadir – ul-Asra Ustad Mansur Painting Jahangir Nadir –ul- Zaman Abdul Hassan Painting Jahangir Guna Samudra Lal … Jahangir greatly patronized literature. Mughal contributions to literature and Music, Development of Literature during the Mughal Period. Besides being a master of Persian, Arabic and Turki he was also a first-rate scholar of Sanskrit and a poet of Hindi and Rajasthani. Persian, Indian, and various provincial styles were fused to produce works of unusual quality and refinement such as the Taj Mahal, in Agra. It was essentially a movement of the people, and a large number of scholars and poets of Hindi were found in the countryside and patronized mainly by local landlords and well-to-do public. He held a position of great importance in the court of Akbar. The emperor’s interest in and patronage of music led to great progress in the instrumental as well as the vocal art. Under the first category letters and poetry occupied a prominent place. Paintings in miniature style teach us about the clothing and lifestyle of the people. Mughal painting is a particular style of South Asian, particularly North Indian (more specifically, modern day India and Pakistan), painting confined to miniatures either as book illustrations or as single works to be kept in albums ().It emerged from Persian miniature painting (itself partly of Chinese origin) and developed in the court of the Mughal Empire of the 16th to 18th centuries. It is not, therefore, surprising that Hindi poetry made a remarkable progress during his reign. These two painters became famous during Akbar’s reign. There were fifteen others who, too, were supposed to belong to the first category had sent their poems to Akbar from various places in Persia. Tansen ( also Mian Tansen) was a great musician of Hindustani Classical music . In fact, no history of Hindi poetry can be complete without reference to the contribution of that versatile genius. DMPQ- What is High speed railway project ? Abul Fazl translated the Panch Tantra (Anwar-i-Sahili) and Faizi the story of Nal-Damayanti into Persian. Babar and Humauan were lovers of literature. In fact, some Muslim poets interpreted Indian culture so successfully that if their names were to be omitted from their composition, it would be indistinguishable from that of the Hindu scholars and poets. In fact, no history of Hindi poetry can be complete without reference to the contribution of that versatile genius. Ppt on mughal empire 1. Some critics looked upon him as even greater than Tulsi Das. The Mughals were descendants of two great lineages of rulers. The most important achievement of the Mughal age was translation into Persian of first-rate works of Sanskrit, Arabic, Turki and Greek. The foundation for the Mughal painting was laid by Humayun when he was staying in Persia. Handwritten books and poetry were decorated with patterns, borders, and small, detailed paintings called miniatures. DMPQ- Throw light on Directive principles which are Socialistic in Nature. Many author of Persian Literature in India produced a commentary of the Quran. Akbar wanted to bring about a fusion of the Hindu and Muslim cultures and in order to provide a common literature to the intelligentsia of the land, established at his court a translation department in which was employed high-ranking scholars of Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. The subjects treated were generally secular , consisting of illustrations to historical works and Persian and Indian literature, portraits of the emperor and his court, studies of natural life, and genre scenes. Although the Mughals and their rulers hailed from murderous, invading ancestors such as Genhis Khan and Amir Timur ( known in the West as Timberlaine ) they made a love of Arts and aesthetic principles very important in their rule. Some of the important source books in history were written. MEDIEVAL LITERATURE.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. He made an important contribution to uplift Urdu poetry. Akbar’s inordinate love of history and patronage of historians became responsible for the production of many chronicles describing not only the events of the reign, but also the past history of the country. The epic is divided into seven books, describing the life of Shri Rain Chandra, the king of Ayodhya, who is looked upon by the Hindus as an incarnation of God. The poets of the Mughal period writing in Persain paid more attention to their familiar theme, which, in most cases was love. The Ain-i-Akbari, written by Abu’l-Fazl ibn Mubarak, suggests that there were 36 musicians of high grate in the Mughal court of Akbar. From their father’s side they were the successors of Timur (died 1404), the ruler of Iran, Iraq and modern-day Turkey. See instructions, KPSC Prelims Exam 2020- Test Series and Notes Program, KPSC Prelims and Mains Tests Series and Notes Program, Section - I -History and Cultural Heritage, Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization, Science and Technology in Ancient Period: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology and Medicine (including Surgery), Ship- building, Mining and Metallurgy, Engineering and Architecture, KPSC Mains Public Administration and Management, Section – I -History and Cultural Heritage, Section I – Physical Features and Natural Resources, Section II – Overview of Indian Constitution, Section II: Advancement and Modern Trends in Science, Section III- Public Administration and Management – International Relations. His contribution towards literature of Mughal period is outstanding. Illustrations of Persian versions of Mahabharata and Ramayana were produced in miniature form. The influence exercised by his glorious and victorious reign, his well- known preference for Hindu thought and mode of life, together with his policy of complete religious toleration and recognition of merit, combined with peace, both internal and external, engendered a bracing atmosphere for the development of thought and literature. The Mughal Emperors encouraged Persian artists to visit and reside at their own courts. Education In Mughal Period During Akbar Rule, Dara Shikoh’s place in the Cultural Life of India, Information on Dara Shikoh (Eldest son of Shah Jahan), Brief History of Muhammad Sultan (Mughal Prince), 6 Reasons Why the Mughal Empire Declined in India, Downfall and Decline of the Mughal Empire, Early Life of Babur (Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur), Brief History of Mughal Prince Shah Shuja (brother of Aurangzeb), Muhammad Azam Shah (Mughal Prince) – Son of Aurangzeb, Muhammad Shah | Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad Shah (Mughal Emperor). Apart from Persian and Hindi literature, Bengali and Punjabi literature also made strides. ITC Mughal Hotel Agra - ITC Mughal is one of the most luxurious hotels in Agra and the only hotel in India, which has won the prestigious ‘AGA KHAN’ Award for its excellent representation of the great mughal architecture. Many other courtiers of Akbar, such as, Birbar, Man Singh, Todar Mal and others, were lovers of Hindi poetry. Babur 30 April 1526 – 26 December 1530 26 December 1530 – 17 May 1540 and 22 February 1555 - 27 January 1556 Humayun Akbar 27 January 1556 – 27 October 1605 Jahangir 15 October 1605 – 8 November 1627 8 November 1627 – 2 August 1658 Shah Jahan Aurangzeb 31 July 1658 – 3 March 1707 The Persian Literature flourished during Mughal Period. Akbar was very fond of leaning. It is no surprise, therefore, that volumes of Persian literature were produced by scholars of outstanding ability. Akbar’s inordinate love of history and patronage of historians became responsible for the production of many chronicles describing not only the events of the reign, but also the past history of the country. Abul Fazl translated into Persian many outstanding Sanskrit works, such as, the Kishan Joshi, the Ganga Dhar, the Mahesh, the Mahanand and others. In the northeast, the Mughals clashed with the Ahoms of Assam, whose guerilla tactics gave the Mughals a hard time. Persian Literature in Mughal Period The Persian Literature flourished during Mughal Period. The epic is divided into seven books, describing the life of Shri Rain Chandra, the king of Ayodhya, who is looked upon by the Hindus as an incarnation of God. Tulsi Das’s style varies with the subject and his characters, each of whom has a well-defined personality, live and move with all the dignity of a heroic age. It is not, therefore, surprising that Hindi poetry made a remarkable progress during his reign. In this respect the name of Abdul Rahim Khan Khana stands pre-eminent. He is even credited with the power of stopping the flow of the Yamuna with his music. The first place among the poets of the age, both Hindu and Persian, belongs to Tulsi Das who, however, was not known to Akbar personally. Abul Fazl gives extracts from the poetic compositions of the fifty-nine best poets of Persian. The most important feature of the Mughal age was that literary activities were not confined to the court and the nobles. His contribution towards literature of Mughal period is outstanding. They were regarded as models of epistolary composition and were imitated by scholars throughout the Mughal period. Tulsi Das is one of the most important talented figure in the whole of Indian Literature. It was essentially a movement of the people, and a large number of scholars and poets of Hindi were found in the countryside and patronized mainly by local landlords and well-to-do public. Undoubtedly, besides water as a decorative feature of gardens, the real ornaments of gardens were flowers and trees. Founded in 1526. Many author of Persian Literature in India produced a commentary of the Quran. Abul Fazl’s letters known as Insha-i-Abul Fazl, have been printed by the Nawal Kishore Press, Lucknow. There were fifteen others who, too, were supposed to belong to the first category had sent their poems to Akbar from various places in Persia. Akbar himself was a learned musician. Famous scholars received fixed stipends from the royal treasury.• Nizamiyyah ( model of madrasa) system of education was introduced.• Nizamiyyah institutes were the first well organized higher institutes of learning in the Muslim world. He is particularly known as the author of Sur Sagar and of many songs. These works are called illuminated manuscripts and they provide us with lots of information about the Mughal court. Abul Fazl translated the Panch Tantra (Anwar-i-Sahili) and Faizi the story of Nal-Damayanti into Persian. He is even stated to have composed some verses in that language. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 538493-MDg0M The next important Hindi poet was Sur Das who was even more prolific a writer than Tulsi Das. This credit goes to Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan and Mirza Galib. R A Scott James – The Making of Literature It is with literature as an art that I am concerned in this book, and at the outset it should be clearly distinguished from the literature which sets out to impart knowledge or produce moral conviction. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the Mughals dominated South Asia, and they took their art seriously. Tansen is said to have invented some new ragas. No other poet of Hindi, before or after him, had a greater knowledge of child psychology than Sur Das. During Shah Jahan’s time there was a well known scholar named Abdul Hameed Lahori. His compositions inspired the other urdu writer Mirza Galib, who was a famous poet of his time. He seems to have been attached to Bairam Khan, who was so pleased with him on one occasion that he conferred upon him a big reward. He further studied Hindu vocalization under Lal Kalawant who taught him “every breathing and sound that appertains to the Hindi language.”. Throw light on the salient features of the project ? Later, the influence of European painting could be seen. Abul Fazl’s letters known as Insha-i-Abul Fazl, have been printed by the Nawal Kishore Press, Lucknow. Like Babur, Akbar was devoted to music. History of INDIA: Early Period History: periods 1 Prehistoric era 1.1 Stone Age 1.2 Bronze Age 2 Early historic period 2.1 Vedic period 2.2 Mahajanapadas 2.3 Maurya ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 583733-YmYxN Many albums containing paintings and calligraphy were produced during the Mughal period. The Mughal period saw great developments in the field of literature. Many other Indian fables became the miniature paintings in the Art Studio established by Akbar. He employed a number of painters like Abul Hasan, Bishan Das, Madhu, Anant, Manohar, Govardhan and Ustad Mansur. He is even stated to have composed some verses in that language. Among the notable works may be mentioned. There was a flowering of Art, poetry and literature in their Courts. He spent most part of his life at Banaras, and produced twenty-five works of high standard, the most well-known among them being the heroic poem, Ramcharitmanas, popularly known as the Ramayana. Owing to the patronage extended to poetry, thousands of poets, both Indians and foreigners, flocked to Akbar’s court. FAMOUS PLACES IN UDAIPUR ON YOUR NEXT TRIP - Udaipur, the beautiful capital of Mewar, … Abul Fazl translated into Persian many outstanding Sanskrit works, such as, the Kishan Joshi, the Ganga Dhar, the Mahesh, the Mahanand and others. The Indian Literature witnessed the golden age during the Mughal Rule. It gives a sight of mughal essence with the world class luxury. Many scholars adorned his court. He spent most part of his life at Banaras, and produced twenty-five works of high standard, the most well-known among them being the heroic poem, Ramcharitmanas, popularly known as the Ramayana. Save presentations in OneDrive. Owing to the patronage extended to poetry, thousands of poets, both Indians and foreigners, flocked to Akbar’s court. It served the Persians and the Mughals as an easy vehicle to give expression to their natural love of beauty. DMPQ- Analyze the recent decision of induction of women for combat role in Indian Army. He was a friend of Tulsi Das and had correspondence with him. Baber was himself a great scholar of Persian. MUGHAL EMPIRE Akbar (cont.) The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. Das Kernland des Reiches lag in der nordindischen Indus-Ganges-Ebene um die Städte Delhi, Agra und Lahore.Auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht am Ende des 17.Jahrhunderts umfasste das Mogulreich fast den gesamten Subkontinent und Teile des heutigen Afghanistans. There was a tremendous development in the field of literature during the Mughal times. They were migrated from Iran to India and made the Mughal court one of the cultural centers of the Islamic world. The British exiled the last Mughal. The contribution of Mughals to the art of painting was remarkable. The result was that many first rate Hindu composers such as Tulsi Das, Sur Das, Abdur Rahim Khan Khana, Ras Khan and Birbar. 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