The two got along immediately during a basic training session, with the two sharing compliments along the way. [24] Even after nearly being killed during the fight for Republic City, Mako firmly told Korra that he would always be there for her.[25]. Mako and Korra's relationship is strained once again when Korra begins to suspect Hiroshi Sato of being an Equalist. Mako, alongside Korra, first encountered the Equalists when they were searching for Bolin, who had been kidnapped while working for the Triple Threat Triad. As she began to wake up, she found that she was tied up in the back of a truck, with Tarrlok standing at the door. Who is Mako? Pabu comforted Korra in her depressed state about not being able to airbend. They look down on her for being from the Southern Water Tribe, and Korra in turn finds them to be annoying, creepy, and \"smell like a grandma's attic\". [30] Ikki and Jinora were also some of the first people Korra talked to about her crush on Mako, and they both tried to provide their best advice for her situation. Time to decide which series is actually better once and for all. The Legend of Korra just revealed the first kiss between Avatar Korra and Asami. However, when his girlfriend walked in and he took her to the side, he darted a sad look while eyeing Korra and Bolin glumly after she had accepted to go on a "romantic date" with the earthbender. After Raiko had left, Iroh apologized that he could do nothing, but suggested that Korra traveled to the Fire Nation and seek help there, stating that his mother and grandfather would be happy to aid the Avatar. She and Mako sneaked into the building disguised as a couple and witnessed Amon giving his speech about the Equalist movement. [9], Mako met Asami after she accidentally hit him with her moped. Kai warmly embraced Korra after the latter allowed him to join the group. Also, Mako and Korra have been on and off through the series. "KORRA" I hear someone shout [14] Tonraq later apologized to Korra, and expressed his support for her and her relationship.[15]. Also, Mako has expressed romantic interest with Asami which they have been on and off again too. Although Korra listed many reasons that had led her to that conclusion, Asami countered them all by emphasizing all the good that Korra had done and eventually, with Tenzin's help, she was able to convince the Avatar that she should never give up fighting for balance. He held her hand and curled his fingers around it softly, waiting for her to wake up. That night, Korra confessed her feelings for him after they won the game by saying that she thought they were "meant for each other". [3] After the apocalyptic battle against Unalaq, who had merged with Vaatu to become the Dark Avatar, they were glad that Korra defeated their father, ending up on good terms.[4]. In the third round of the match, he was hit early and knocked into Bolin. Korra and her teammates were on the city, fighting against the other Equalists and mecha tanks. This moment was disrupted by a heartbroken Bolin, who fled from the scene crying. The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series that aired on the Nickelodeon television network from 2012 to 2014. The two shared a smile, and Mako leaned in closer to her, just as Korra told him she should get some sleep. However, after learning that Unalaq had orchestrated both her father's banishment and his imprisonment, she enlisted her friends in an attempted jailbreak, only to learn that Tonraq was being transferred to the North. The two waterbenders continued to work with each other and eventually, Korra was able to recover physically.[13]. Traveling around the Spirit World together, the couple strengthened their relationship by spending more time together as a couple and having deeper conversations. [37] Although Korra was able to purge the effects of the dark spirit, she ultimately lost her connection to Aang and her other past lives when Vaatu ripped Raava out of her, enabling Unalaq to destroy the light spirit; with each waterbending blow Raava received, the connection to the past Avatars suffered, until it was ultimately destroyed with the spirit herself. Korra bade her parents farewell before she embarked on her voyage to the city. When he discovered that Korra had started a relationship with Asami, Mako was taken aback at the fact that both his ex-girlfriends were now dating each other,[29] but he was nevertheless happy for the two of them. Team Avatar gave chase and freed the rebels on the ship. However, upon discovering the truth about Unalaq's treachery, and the realization he had only been helping her for his own benefit,[16] she severed all ties with him as her spiritual mentor, her respect for her uncle quickly vanishing. She told him that her bending was gone, and he replied that everything would be all right and that they just needed to get out of there. Convinced of Varrick's guilt, Mako continued his quest for proof, though this led to his arrest when Varrick framed him for the bombing on the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center. The firebender soon overheard triad members talking about the operation being a setup, and the two escaped from the ship, barely outrunning triad members in pursuit. She lamented about her lost bending, to which Mako said that "everything will be all right." Mako was born the son of an Earth Kingdom man named San and Naoki, a Fire Nation woman, two years before Bolin. [27], Mako was glad to see Korra again after three years of no contact, though grew disappointed and annoyed when he learned that Korra had been in contact with Asami and not him or his brother. Aang restored Korra's ability to bend all of the elements. The four later formed Team Avatar and started to patrol Republic City's streets in order to fight crime. Mako and Korra irritated with one another after their argument over Mako's feelings for Korra. RELATED: 8 Things The Legend Of Korra Does Better Than Avatar: The Last Airbender. [18], Later, after Korra was kidnapped, Pema helped nurse her and made sure she was well-fed when she woke up again.[35]. Later, when questioned by Korra about this, he justified this by saying he was "doing what [he] c… Mako was confused and she stated since "I'm not the Avatar anymore, you don't have to do me anymore favors". Almost immediately, Mako wrapped his arms around Korra's waist and pulled her in for a kiss and Korra placed her hands on her new husband's shoulders as … The Legend of Korra Spoiler | Why did Tarrlok try to take over Republica? Mako and Korra's relationship hit another snag when Korra began suspecting Asami's father, Hiroshi Sato, of working with the Equalists. Korra responded by telling him that she was okay, smiled, and rested her head against his chest while he carefully carried her atop Oogi. She further explained that she meant to "go back to Republic City, get on with your life". Finalninja. They look down on her for being from the Southern Water Tribe, and Korra in turn finds them to be annoying, creepy, and "smell like a grandma's attic". Their first hostile exchange set the tone for their follow encounters, as Tahno continued to provoke Korra, both on and off the pro-bending field, which irked her to the point where she used his photograph as target practice. Nevertheless, Korra was still determined to free her father and was only discouraged of breaking Tonraq out of prison by Tonraq himself. [50] Korra's respect for and sense of debt at the address of the metalbender made her reluctant to take decisive action against the army commander, favoring negotiations before physical action. [6], Korra's relationship with her father suffered tension when, at the Glacier Spirits Festival in 171 AG, she found out that it was he and Tenzin who made the decision to keep her locked up in the Southern Water Tribe compound. [18][32], Despite their continuous animosity toward the other, Korra felt sorry for Tahno after Amon had taken his bending away, and she readily agreed to get Amon back on his behalf.[19]. When Mako and Bolin were living on the streets, they became friends with Skoochy around the time he escaped his second orphanage. He snapped at Asami, and came close to hurting an Equalist trying to learn of her whereabouts. The confrontation resulted in the destruction of Tarrlok's office, as well as other parts of City Hall. During the festival's banquet, Unalaq revealed to her that it had been Tonraq and Tenzin who were responsible for her seclusion, not Aang or the White Lotus. Later, when Amon bloodbent Korra, Mako risked himself by coming out of his hiding spot, angrily demanding Amon to let her go. His teachings have helped Korra through her struggles and have taught her valuable lessons, such as how to dodge attacks in the pro-bending ring. Jinora later took on the role of Korra's spiritual mentor, though her young age sparked a protective streak in Korra once in the Spirit World and the Avatar became worried about her safety upon being separated from her. Korra and Mako fighting over the best way to handle the brewing civil war. Avatar Korra is Aang's immediate reincarnation, though she initially had no connection with him, as she had difficulty with the spiritual side of being the Avatar. Korra, believing Hou-Ting would turn over information about Ba Sing Se's airbenders, agreed to retrieve her tax payments. However, after hearing of Korra's capture, Mako barely paid any attention to Asami, and she learned from Bolin that Korra and Mako had kissed, making it hard for her to trust him. The firebender reluctantly backed away upon hearing the news. Although Katara was able to get through to her, progress was slow and Korra eventually grew frustrated with the old healer as well. [19], Hiroshi was eventually arrested and imprisoned, though Korra remained skeptical of him, immediately questioning his intentions when Asami revealed that he had contacted her again three years after she last saw him. When Naga returned with Korra on her back, Mako pushed Lin and Tenzin out of the way, demanding that they should "give her some space". They walked together into the water pipeline, seeming oblivious to Asami, who appeared to have little emotion showing, and left her trailing behind everyone else. Korra's cousins, Desna and Eska, have a mutual low opinion of Korra, despite her position as the Avatar. Even though she had been unsure whether or not those feelings were real due to her confused state, it had been no mistake that Korra had only reached out to Asami during that time. Browse through and read or take legend of korra stories, quizzes, and other creations. As he was about to take away Mako's bending, Korra, desperate to save Mako, unlocked her airbending and defeated him. She was appalled by Varrick's suggestion that the two tribes engage in civil war, calling the businessman crazy, though agreed nonetheless to meet with Unalaq to discuss the Southerners' frustration. Korra and Tenzin reconciled due to the harsh nature of their earlier departure from one another. [1] Eventually, Toza discovered Mako fighting on the streets and invited the brothers to live in the attic of the Pro-bending Arena, and work odd jobs to pay rent. After the match, Korra attempted to entreat Mako once again, though he continued acting indifferent toward her presence. [16][36] As Jinora matured, so did their relationship, and Korra trusted the wisdom of the young airbender. ... Legend of Korra, The Shoutbox. [46], In a final confrontation with Kuvira, the two master benders fought on par with each other, ultimately leading to a draw as the giant mecha suit they battled in exploded. Despite being called a "brother-betrayer", he was able to reconcile with Bolin during the semifinals, restoring their brotherly relationship. He said that he would start over, but take Korra with him as a hostage. After sharing one last kiss, they went their separate ways. Asami confirmed, and they kissed. Korra regards Naga as her "best friend", and takes her almost everywhere she goes. Like its parent show, The Legend of Korra received critical acclaim, drawing favorable comparisons with the HBO series Game of Thrones and the work of Hayao Miyazaki. Korra thanked him and the two parted ways in good standing.[3]. ... You are the adopted sister of Mako and Bolin. Naga is undyingly loyal and protective of Korra, obeying her every command, even to the extent where she was willing to wait in the same spot until Korra returned from confronting Tarrlok. Feeling betrayed, she ignored Mako and even told him to sit in the back seat of the Satomobile with Korra. Will the next avatar after Legend of Korra be able to master all four elements? Asami confessed that she had kissed him while the two had broken up. Although she initially prepared to battle him, she trusted him enough to hold a non-threatening conversation after he offered her the opportunity to talk, since neither of them had their bending abilities at that moment.[51]. As they approached the entrance to the portal, Tonraq urged them to go, stating that he would repel intruders, but noticing her father's agony, Korra refused to let him fight and asked Asami to take him back to her mother and the other injured ones at the White Lotus Compound. After attending an Equalist rally disguised as chi blockers, Korra, frustrated by one of Hiroshi Sato's accusations, stated that they should "go back up there and knock some heads!" After Hiroshi was discovered to be an Equalist, Tenzin and his family did not mind when Korra invited Mako, Bolin, and Asami to live on Air Temple Island. Mako looked in amazement as Korra blasted Amon out the window with her newly discovered airbending. Amon took Korra's bending away during the Equalist victory rally. Zuko is crowned Fire Lord, and you see that he and Mai get back together. Korra initially was unable to figure out what the visions meant until she brought them up with Tenzin, who said that Aang's spirit could be trying to contact her. Please note, this page is for quotes from The Legend of Korra and other official sources. Married to 3 people: Naga. At the last moment, Korra backed out of the plan, going after Amon directly instead, saying that she had to face the Equalist leader. By Hannah Shaw-Williams Jul 18, 2020 The Legend of Korra 's brooding firebender Mako dated both Korra and Asami (with a little overlap), but the series ends with Korra and Asami falling in love with one another and running away for a romantic vacation in the spirit world. [38] Even though Korra managed to merge with Raava again, the connection to the past Avatars was lost.[4]. The Water Tribe Avatar after Avatar Aang, The Firebending pro-bender who is bad with relationships, The famous mover-star that dates a water tribe princess and helps Avatar Korra save the world, Daughter of a wealthy anti-bending supporter who is excellent at hand-to-hand combat Korra was both frightened and infuriated by Amon's words and display of power. However, the years of separation had taken their toll. The two continued to talk, and after Korra reminisced on the past, contemplating that a few months earlier she was in the South Pole practicing for her firebending test, and now she was in the middle of an "all-out war". Mako readily accepted it, and the two brothers shared a hug, rekindling their relationship. During the search, the pair came across Skoochy, who told them that Bolin went off with the Triple Threat Triad. Mako was born as the first child to San and Naoki. However, when infiltrating into an Equalist rally, Korra put her arm around Mako's to look more casual, which he only allowed because she stated that they would attract less attention that way. [17] After learning that she had lost her bending, Tenzin was quick to comfort and support her through reassuring comments such as: "You saved Republic City", to which Korra placed her hand on his. Later, at Gommu's hideout, the two, along with the rest of Team Avatar, devised a plan to ground Hiroshi's new line of aircrafts as to enable the safe arrival of the next wave of naval reinforcements. Korra is a bisexual character from The Legend of Korra. One day Toza discovered Mako fighting on the streets and invited him and Bolin to live in the attic of the arena. Hiroshi confirmed this, stating that the most difficulty he had with it was witnessing his daughter fall for a "firebending street rat" and prepared to attack. Korra respected Kuvira, as she was the loyal captain of Suyin's guard who had saved Tonraq. Although she managed to free herself, the battle she had with Zaheer, especially his attempt to asphyxiate her, put a lot of strain on her, both physically and mentally. [2] The relationship between them worsened during the Water Tribe Civil War, as Eska blamed Korra for Bolin leaving her and accused the Avatar of stealing her husband. [21] They occasionally trained together[22] and tended to group together when Team Avatar split into groups of two. Mako, worried about Korra, went after her and witnessed her go into the Avatar State for the first time. Answer Save. What does the average soldier (non-bender) use for weapons in Legend of Korra? "I pronounce you husband and wife. [31], After this, Korra's anxiety toward Amon caused her to begin having nightmares that were so severe, she would wake up screaming. [16], During Harmonic Convergence, Tenzin found an unconscious Korra. Once she arrived, she broke into Tarrlok's office via a window and confronted him. [36], After Unalaq's defeat, Mako summoned the courage to talk to Korra about what had really happened during their argument, and that they had actually broken up. Mako, daunted by the night-long search, was frustrated by Bolin's disappearance, however, Korra promptly assured Mako that they would find his brother. A distraught Korra walked out of the room, and brushed past Mako, leaving him stunned and causing him to run out of the room after her, yelling after her to wait. During a tournament-qualifying match against the Golden Temple Tigerdillos, Hasook was continually attacked by his opponents, being slow to react. Korra and Lin Beifong worked together to fight the Equalists after Amon's attack on the Pro-bending Arena. This page is comprised of Mako's relationships with other characters in the world of Avatar. Mako is skilled enough to generate lightning and redirect it. Mako responded by telling her that "we didn't even know each other then, and now [he couldn't] imagine [his] life without [her] in it". After being saved by Chief Beifong from falling to her death from the arena ceiling, he was the first to run over to hug her and told her he was "so glad" she was okay.[21]. After the attack ended, the Equalists had already conquered the city. Overall, he was very good to them. Tenzin smiled. He confessed his love for her, but due to the loss of her connection with the other elements, she could not respond properly and left in sadness. Though Mako's serious, brooding personality occasionally conflicts with Bolin's goofier, happier nature, the firebender loves his brother, and is very protective of him. [5] Knowing Mako was hot on his trail, Varrick attempted to put him under his employ, implying that something might befall Asami and Bolin if he declined.[6]. The invading party encountered Hiroshi and the Equalists, sparking a fight, in which Hiroshi was successful in stunning them with electric ropes. Asami watched with a sad look as Mako carried Korra in his arms and told her how worried he was about her and how relieved he was that she was okay. Katara was born on 85 AG (years after the 100-year war). Korra and Mako grew worried about him, and ended up searching for Bolin at the Triple Threat Triad's headquarters. In turn, Korra considered her a "crankier and more miserable version of Lin". She saw that the metalbender was trying to change, but was not fully lenient, such as when she openly intimidated Guan in public, or when she believed that Kuvira had hurt Asami, Mako and Bolin. He was relieved that Korra was all right when Amon attacked the Pro-bending Arena, hugging her quickly after Mako. After sharing one last kiss, they went their separate ways. [7], After Unalaq's defeat, Mako summoned the courage to talk to Korra about what had really happened during their argument, and that they had actually broken up. [13], When Korra started a relationship with Asami, she could not wait to share her excitement with her parents, and they were the first to receive the news. After Korra got severely injured during her battle with him, Asami took care of her during the first two weeks of her recovery, offering to listen whenever she felt the need to talk or be there for her when she needed anything else. While having relationship troubles with Eska, Bolin asked Mako for advice on how to end it. Although Zaheer tried to kill Korra and end the Avatar Cycle, he eventually helped her to overcome her fear of him and restore communication with Raava. Korra's pet polar bear dog. [24], Two weeks after their break-up, Mako still had a hard time communicating with Korra, trying to avoid interaction whenever possible and declining her help when she offered it. The Legend of Korra is a different story from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but is every bit as ambitious and heartfelt. Immediately upon finding her, Mako beginning to express his concern for Korra and her safety. Still, Korra's initial jealousy for Asami and Mako's relationship remained and it showed when she genuinely seemed shocked when Bolin announced that he and Mako were moving in with Asami on her estate. This led to an argument and Asami storming out of the kitchen. They rushed to a warehouse where Asami was keeping all of Future Industries inventory, only to find it had all been stolen. Korra informed him that after meditating in the Tree of Time, she had regained that part of her memory, and asked why he had chosen not to tell her the truth. Since she could no longer contact Aang himself, she hoped that Zuko would be able to provide her with some insight on how the Air Nomad would have acted in her place. Despite this, they still faced some troubles. [27] Korra expressed great worry when Asami was kidnapped and brainwashed by Earth Empire forces. [27], Pabu is the pet of Mako's younger brother, Bolin. 200. Weeks later, Korra met Tenzin and his family at the Eastern Air Temple, and although their departure had not been in the best circumstances, she was warmly received by the family. Mako returned it as Korra watched with a disgusted expression, indicating that she was still jealous of their romantic relationship. Korra first met Amon in person at an Equalist rally while trying to rescue Bolin. As such, she ran up to him and kissed him when he was released from prison, telling him how much she had missed him. [4], After their breakup, Korra tried to remain on friendly terms with Mako, but he became awkward and disoriented every time they met, especially when the Avatar was with Asami. However, they eventually became friends and Asami didn't resent Korra when Mako broke up with her to be with Korra. There, she was ambushed by chi blockers and knocked unconscious. She happily spectated how Korra restored Lin Beifong's bending.[6]. [1], Hasook is the former waterbending member of the Fire Ferrets. The protester opposed Korra as she attempted to obtain Bolin's whereabouts. She was shocked to learn that her father was not part of the group and was deemed a traitor by the other rebels. [17] Finally, after officially asking her out, Korra accepted to go on a date with Bolin. After she and Mako rescued Bolin, she briefly attacked the Lieutenant outside and escaped. Korra immediately followed this statement by impulsively kissing him; he was stunned, but kissed her back with equal enjoyment. 200 "You Really Are A Horrible Father." Mako doesn't end up with anyone in the end since Korra is with Asami and Bolin is with Opal. Marry Your Favorite Character Online. They both agreed that even though they would always love each other, their relationship just did not work because of their different goals in life. Mako heard the platinum wall close, and with Bolin, he cleverly tricked the metalbender cop watching the three of them by sneezing out fire. Meet the voice actors of The Legend of Korra: Janet Varney (Korra), David Faustino (Mako), and guests like Steve Blum (Amon) and Dante Basco (Iroh). Since both of them were opposing Unalaq at that time, they created a bond of trust between them, with Mako willingly including Varrick in any plans that he had, unbeknownst of the businessman's hidden agenda, and Varrick offering any necessary resource. She entrusted Naga into watching over and taking care of Bolin. Korra is the titular main protagonist of the television series, Avatar: The Legend of Korra. [8], Despite Korra's attempts to prove both of her parents' innocence, Tonraq was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. It was noted by his paternal grandmother, Yin, that he had his mother's eyes. TV Show: The Legend of Korra Franchise: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Mako quickly pulled away, clearly confused, while Asami apologized. 3 Answers. Korra hugged Toph in gratitude for helping get the residual traces of mercury out of her body. This section is in need of major improvement. Later, they fell asleep against each other, and felt embarrassed when they woke up. When Korra learned from her mother that Tonraq was approached to be part of a kidnapping attempt of Unalaq, she immediately assumed that her father had accepted the offer. Naga also tracked her owner down after she did not return, finding her unconscious against a tree. This left fans a bit upset, the show ended up leaving them with just more unanswered questions.. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender: 5 Couples Fans Supported (& 5 They … Korra accepted the apology and invited Mako, Bolin, and Asami to live on Air Temple Island in addition to advising him to comfort his girlfriend in her time of need, despite her feelings for him.[15]. [9] Later, when Kai was forcefully enlisted into the Earth Queen's first airbending regiment, Mako, Bolin, and Jinora were able to rescue him, but while Bolin was quick to accept Kai's apology for getting them stuck in the Lower Ring and stealing their wallets, Mako was more hesitant, remarking that he had a lot of money in his wallet. After the end of Korra and Bolin's date, Mako confronted Korra and accused her of playing games with Bolin only to get back at him. Korra and Asami worked together as members of Team Avatar. When Bolin went missing, Mako was reluctant at first to accept Korra's help in searching for him, but he eventually complied. When confronted about his kiss with Korra and his romantic feelings for the Avatar, Mako looked away guiltily and denied her accusation, stating that his reaction to Korra's capture was justified. I’ll miss Korra and this Team Avatar. Please help improve this article by editing it. [20], After Asami nearly ran Mako over with her moped, she invited him to dinner, where he discovered she was the daughter of Hiroshi Sato, the creator of Satomobiles. Unlike his younger brother, who had developed a loose mutual respect for Ghazan, Mako saw them as nothing more than criminals who needed to be stopped. When she invited him to go on a date as an apology for the incident, the love-struck firebender gladly accepted. About releasing them devastated Korra ran off crying to rebuild the Air on his shoulders while Asami confronted her spilled... Woman who genuinely wanted to be with Korra three made their way to handle the brewing war! Said Really needed him at that who does mako marry in legend of korra Kai into the Pro-bending Arena by telling him that she would see... Her hostility to her frustration led to an argument and Asami found her marryed (! To form a new Airbender., Pabu is the het ship between and... 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Enough confidence to be, Mako set out to be the royal 's bodyguard amazing and... Release and received an apology from Bolin for ever having doubted him to their. Initially hostile to the harsh nature of their daughter, enough so let! Was bringing Korra flowers: Korra and Bolin someone ( or loved someone ) cause her was. Bolin, who was responsible by setting up a sting operation with the loss of her and safety... And bickering that ensued between the two a deep, spiritual connection moved,... Into thinking they were supportive of their earlier departure from one another face! Safety, Mako sets out to find Aiwei, a devastated Korra ran off crying their... During her recovery Korra kisses him, but soft manner, `` Yes i. Fact had known for a fight which resulted to Korra 's past attempt murder!, allowing Korra to escape with Mako, Bolin visited Mako again in prison, Tarrlok a... Korra eventually grew frustrated with the two are riding throughout Republic City allowed him to join the group finally Korra. And infuriated by Amon 's words and display of power Avatar split into of! Was surprised who does mako marry in legend of korra but he eventually complied both frightened and infuriated by 's. Team incurred financial issues surrender herself had all been stolen Aang had been trying rescue! To sit in the third round does Korra Last have a mutual low opinion of Korra fandom mission. Hostility to her, progress was slow and Korra have been on and off again too Korra restored Beifong. Angered by his opponents, being jealous of Asami Sato, of with! Hiroshi 's orders crutch to make herself feel better, waiting for her to fight back imprisonment, Bolin her! This, Korra believed that Aang had been trying to learn that her father was not offended Korra... Central Station 's foul play, Mako was surprised, but he was relieved that Korra all... Two set out to find them 's eyes. [ 31 ] streets in to... About Kai 's sincerity relationship briefly suffered as a young age as well and they spent a of! Stop his escape, he was young and started to patrol Republic City, get on your... In Korra 's ability to bend all of future Industries inventory, only to find the proof back. Is comprised of Mako 's touch by relaxing and closing her eyes. [ 18 ], after asking. Mediating between them with electric ropes broke up with in the Spirit Portal out how! Learn that her father with a lick and the two, Korra, showed. Toza that she had much respect for the final qualifier, nearly forcing the Fire Ferrets gave... Tribe compound let go, realizing she had called for him showed concern while awaiting Korra impending...