Available online: Takei, K.; Honda, W.; Harada, S.; Arie, T.; Akita, S. Toward flexible and wearable human-interactive health-monitoring devices. ; Grant, K.W. • Four smartphones attached to four body position: right pocket, belt, right arm, and right wrist. In Proceedings of the 5th Augmented Human International Conference, Kobe, Japan, 7–8 March 2014. Available online: World Health Organization. • HR from the PPG signals was obtained at sitting, reading and video gaming by using an Android-based software. The statements, opinions and data contained in the journal, © 1996-2020 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. An estimated 16 million adult Americans suffer from a severe episode of depression each year. Depression is an infliction that plagues millions. Received: 29 March 2019 / Revised: 27 April 2019 / Accepted: 30 April 2019 / Published: 9 May 2019. Statistics Canada: Canada’s National Statistical Agency. Subsequently, a good number of key features from the statistical, temporal, spatial and frequency domains are extracted to feed into the classification model. ; Lee, T.; Liu, S.; Rosenfeld, M.; Patel, S.N. ; Bradley, T.D. Non-contact, automated cardiac pulse measurements using video imaging and blind source separation. DiFrancesco, S.; Fraccaro, P.; Van Der Veer, S.N. Newatlas.com. Guidelines for Audiologic Screening. Dolan, B. FDA Clears First Diagnostic Radiology App, Mobile MIM. ; Myung, D.J. Available online: AliveCor, Inc. KardiaMobile. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing—UbiComp ’12, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 5–8 September 2012; p. 351. Early Detection of Malignant Melanoma: The Role of Physician Examination and Self-Examination of the Skin. The, tests are performed through an APP and some special (of good quality) in-ear, headphones, without requiring the presence of a specialist (some are done in, drugstore). ; Barnes, L.E. ; Uddin, M.Z. Online telemedicine systems are useful due to the possibility of timely and efficient healthcare services. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 5–8 September 2012; pp. A new posture monitoring system for preventing physical illness of smartphone users. ; Mukai, S. Simple, Inexpensive Technique for High-Quality Smartphone Fundus Photography in Human and Animal Eyes. ; Kim, D.Y. The most promising device is the smartphone. Available online: Majumder, S.; Aghayi, E.; Noferesti, M.; Memarzadeh-Tehran, H.; Mondal, T.; Pang, Z.; Deen, M.J. Smart Homes for Elderly Healthcare—Recent Advances and Research Challenges. Buijink, A.W.G. MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Canzian, L.; Musolesi, M. Trajectories of depression. Bastawrous, A. Van Norman, G.A. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. However, most of these diseases can be avoided and/or properly managed through continuous monitoring. • Highly correlated (correlation coefficient of 0.9957, 0.9860, and 0.9533 for central apnea, obstructive apnea and hypopnea, respectively) with the ground truth. Lu, H.; Frauendorfer, D.; Rabbi, M.; Mast, M.S. Newzoo. Global Data on Visual Impairments 2010. Relation between heart rate variability early after acute myocardial infarction and long-term mortality. For example, an individual’s stress level or emotional state can be deduced from their voice while talking over the phone and recording the conversation with the smartphone’s microphone [, Many researchers used the smartphone data to assess or predict an individual’s general mental health such as social anxiety [, Some works in the literature also exploited the sensor data and usage information of the smartphone to assess specific mental health conditions such as depression [, Some significant correlations between the activity levels and bipolar states were observed in some individual patients, where the physical activity level was measured with the smartphone’s accelerometer [, Recently, Apple Inc.’s ResearchKit initiative launched a mobile application called “Autism and Beyond” [, Daily physical activities such as walking, running and climbing stairs involve several joints and muscles of the body and require proper coordination between the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. ; Peck, G.L. ; A Weiss, H.; Burton, M.J. Smartphone-based screening for visual impairment in Kenyan school children: A cluster randomised controlled trial. Williams, G.A. The hearing assessment is performed by either by the APP which, can or not be connected to a remote server, with the APP used to trigger the, sensors for remote health monitoring needs to include the assessment of, hearing. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art research and developments in smartphone-sensor based healthcare technologies. ; Abdullah, S.; Brian, R.; Campbell, A.T.; Choudhury, T.; Hauser, M.; Kane, J.; Scherer, E.A. A hybrid FMM-CART model for human activity recognition. ; Chang, R.Y. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing—UbiComp ’16, Heidelberg, Germany, 12–16 September 2016. One-year mortality among elderly people after hospitalization due to fall-related fractures: comparison with a control group of matched elderly. MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Bánhalmi, A.; Borbás, J.; Fidrich, M.; Bilicki, V.; Gingl, Z.; Rudas, L. Analysis of a Pulse Rate Variability Measurement Using a Smartphone Camera. Indeed, in many countries, increase of life expectancy is demanding extra resources to healthcare services and alike. ; Anderson, R.R. 1541–1547. In this study, we conducted a literature review of wearable technology applications in healthcare. Motorola Moto X, Motorola, Libertyville, IL and Samsung S 5. 477–486. 1–4. Eysenbach, G.; Sawesi, S.; Jones, J.; Sheets, L.; Lodhia, V.; Karanja, S.; Lees, S.; Bastawrous, A. Ekin Ozer, Maria Q. Feng, in Start-Up Creation (Second Edition), 2020. Smartphones have grown in popularity over the past decade and by 2021, the global penetration of smartphones is expected to exceed 3.8 billion [, In this article, we present a detailed review of the current state of research and development in the health monitoring systems based-on embedded sensors in smartphones. ; Je, M.; Lee, D.H.; Lee, B.; Farkas, D.L. Pearson Correlation coefficient (PC) for most parameters between PPG and ECG: >0.99. In Proceedings of the 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, Italy, 25–29 August 2015; pp. Available online: Legislative Services Branch, “Consolidated federal laws of Canada, Medical Devices Regulations. Advances in sensors and information technologies have brought structural health monitoring (SHM) as a data-driven remedy for civil infrastructure safety. Future of Medicine: Health Monitoring with Mobile Phone Based Biomedical Sensors Yesil Science Sensors are devices that detect specific physical, chemical or biological properties and convert them into signals for quantification [1]. • HR was estimated by detecting the consecutive PPG peaks and also the dominant frequency. • Final recognition was based on the result from the most relevant device to that particular activity. S.M. ; Meyyappan, M. U-Health Smart Home: Innovative solutions for the management of the elderly and chronic diseases. Our dedicated information section provides allows you to learn more about MDPI. Find support for a specific problem on the support section of our website. Eysenbach, G.; Ruwaard, J.; Bardram, J.; Saeb, S.; Zhang, M.; Karr, C.J. 16 October 2018. Kim, S.; Cho, D.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Youn, S.; Jang, J.E. For example, companies dealing with hearing loss/impairment uses APP for assessing hearing and promote their hearing-aid devices. Smartphones have become a useful tool in agriculture because their mobility matches the nature of farming, the cost of the device is highly accessible, and their computing power allows a variety of practical applications to be created. In Reference [, A cough detection algorithm, proposed in Reference [, A smartphone-based spirometer, ‘SpiroSmart’, was proposed in Reference [, In the smartphone-based spirometer proposed in Reference [, Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the common complications of diabetes, which if diagnosed late and left untreated, can lead to blindness. [. Ben-Zeev, D.; Scherer, E.A. Mobile Phone Sensor Correlates of Depressive Symptom Severity in Daily-Life Behavior: An Exploratory Study. ; Loncar, D. Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease from 2002 to 2030. 11 May 2018. Therefore, more efforts are needed to develop and implement robust algorithms to ensure data privacy and information security. • The speaker transmits 18–20 kHz sound waves and the microphone senses the reflections. [. Sharma, A.; Subramaniam, S.D. [. [, Seera, M.; Loo, C.K. Available online: The Evolution of the Mobile Phone, from the Motorola DynaTAC to the Samsung Galaxy S9. ; Alshoumr, B.; Ainsworth, J.; Bellazzi, R.; Peek, N. Out-of-Home Activity Recognition from GPS Data in Schizophrenic Patients. Vidal, J. Malignant melanoma tends to spread to other parts of the body and may turn fatal if not diagnosed and treated early. The paper is also well written, without issues regarding the text. Pasolini, A. Smartphone-Based Kit Makes Eye Tests Cheap and Portable. ; Darvesh, S.; Macknight, C.; Rockwood, K. Estimating the Prevalence of Dementia in Elderly People: A Comparison of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging and National Population Health Survey Approaches. Additionally, class IIa devices as well as class IIb and class III devices must require a notified body (NB) to carry out a detailed conformity assessment and receive a ‘Declaration of Conformity’ certificate from the NB to submit as an evidence of the app/software’s being compliant with the MDD 93/42/EEC [, However, it was argued in a report to the U.S. Congress of the Global Legal Research Center that the ‘CE mark’ on a medical device does not necessarily ensure the quality of the device in terms of its performance and clinical effectiveness, rather it merely shows its compliance with the EU legislation [, While the US and the EU represent 40% of the global markets for medical devices [, In 2014, the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) launched the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) pilot to develop an efficient and standardized global directive to auditing and monitoring medical devices [. The paper is an extensive survey on the use of the (many) embedded sensors of smartphones for remote health monitoring. Available online: Tweedie, S. The World’s First Smartphone, Simon, Was Created 15 Years Before the iPhone. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Morris, S.; Fawcett, G.; Brisebois, L.; Hughes, J. Genetic Digital. Hassan, M.M. • Feature set consisted of linear acceleration, normal acceleration and angular velocity. Myung, D.; Jais, A.; He, L.; Blumenkranz, M.S. 4078–4081. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Dublin, Ireland, 20–24 June 2016; pp. It is an important and relevant topic, as properly explained by the authors, because of the evolution of demography, with a world population living longer. 3–14. ; Haller, J.A. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Chicago, IL, USA, 30 March–2 April 2011; pp. • SVM was used to classify fall and non-fall events. ; Swanepoel, D.W.; De Jager, L.B. [. Kapsokalyvas, D.; Cicchi, R.; Bruscino, N.; Alfieri, D.; Prignano, F.; Massi, D.; Lotti, T.; Pavone, F.S. Cornet, V.P. • Performance was comparable to SVM, decision tree, KNN and MLP classifier. ; Kampik, A.; Neubauer, A.S. Mobile medical and health apps: state of the art, concerns, regulatory control and certification. ; Mohr, D.C. • One HB is assigned for all attributes of a class and has one or more associated neurons for class distribution. Higher SNR for B and G channel PPG in presence of 6Hz MA. Smartphone-based fundus camera device (MII Ret Cam) and technique with ability to image peripheral retina. ; Langley, R.G. ; Messmer, K.; Nadeau, R.G. A resolution of at least 50 pixels/° along with an imager larger than 1024, Similar to the Ocular CellScope, a much smaller (47 × 18 × 10 mm, A portable eye examination kit (PEEK) was presented in References [, Skin cancer is one of the most common of all human cancers that is caused by the abnormal growth of skin tissue. However, Ericsson first coined the term ‘Smart-phone’ for its Ericsson GS 88. Journals. Darwin, C.J. Hsu, Y.W. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference Ubiquitous Comput.-UbiComp ’12, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 5–8 September 2012; pp. Available online: Australian Government Department of Health; Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Maamari, R.N. • Frequency domain analysis of the color variations in the reflected light (hue) from the face. ; Krishna, R. Novel Uses of Smartphones in Ophthalmology. Grading Diabetic Retinopathy from Stereoscopic Color Fundus Photographs—An Extension of the Modified Airlie House Classification: ETDRS Report Number 10. [, Thammasat, E.; Chaicharn, J. Eysenbach, G.; Paglialonga, A.; Handzel, O.; Mahomed-Asmail, F.; Moodie, S.; Bright, T.; Pallawela, D. Validated Smartphone-Based Apps for Ear and Hearing Assessments: A Review. Estevão, M.S. For a low-risk i.e., class I device, the manufacturer can self-declare the device’s compliance with the Directive. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Evaluation of hyperbox (HB) NN for classifying activities. 280–289. The comprehensive data collection is done by the free application of Withings Health Mate. The statements, opinions and data contained in the journals are solely In Proceedings of the 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 August–1 September 2012. 22 April 2016. [, Larson, E.C. ; Schueller, S.M. 898–903. A Real-time Fall Detection System Based on the Acceleration Sensor of Smartphone. M.J.D. So the question is: Is there any sound reason for not including hearing in the paper? A simply fall-detection algorithm using accelerometers on a smartphone. • Four smartphones worn on the waist lower back, thigh, and wrist. ; Cho, S.-B. 18 April 2018. 1198–1201. ; Burkhart, C.N. ; Lakshmikanthan, C.; Krishna, S.; Sundaramoorthy, S.K. All authors carefully reviewed the final manuscript. ; Chon, K.H. Pulse rate, respiration rate, and oxygen are other parameters. Healthcare Solutions|PureWeb|ResolutionMD. Derawi, M.; Bours, P. Gait and activity recognition using commercial phones. • Six features (SMV, sum vector excluding gravity magnitude, max and min value of acceleration in gravity vector direction, mean of the absolute derivation of acceleration in gravity vector direction, and gravity vector changing angle) were derived from the accelerometer data. The sensors with excellent flexibility and stretchability are crucial components that can provide health monitoring systems with the [...] Read more. A feature selection approach for faster recognition, • Data segmentation by sliding window and extraction of time and frequency domain features, • Activity recognition Accuracy, precision and F1-score to 87.8%, 88.0% and 87.7% (with. ; Hosub, L.; Sunjae, L.; Sang, C.Y. 4 February 2011. Tao, D.; Wen, Y.; Hong, R. Multicolumn Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Mobile Devices-Based Human Activity Recognition. I find Section 4 - "Regulatory policies" particularly important and interesting, as this topic is often neglected in scientific publications, although it is of the utmost importance when dealing with health. World Health Organization. ; Bahyah Kamaruzzaman, S.; Seang Lim, K.; Maw Pin, T.; Ibrahim, F. Smartphone-based solutions for fall detection and prevention: Challenges and open issues. Toss ‘N’ Turn: Smartphone as Sleep and Sleep Quality Detector. 1610–1613. In South Korea, Samsung released SCH-V200 that featured a 1.5″ TFT-LCD display and a 0.35-megapixel video graphics array (VGA) camera that could capture up to 20 images. I've seen special (simple) kiosks that rely on tablets providing hearing assessment tests. Smartphone-Based Dilated Fundus Photography and Near Visual Acuity Testing as Inexpensive Screening Tools to Detect Referral Warranted Diabetic Eye Disease. The Manhattan distance metric was used in Reference [, An orientation independent activity recognition system based on smartphone embedded inertial sensors was reported in Reference [, Some researchers exploited smartphones for fall detection [, Applications based-on smartphone-sensors that facilitate monitoring of knee joints [, According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 6.1% of the world’s population including one-third of the adults aged 65 or above suffer from different levels of hearing loss [, A smartphone-based audiometer was presented in Reference [, A detailed review of some ear and hearing assessment applications was presented in Reference [, To assist hearing-impaired people, hearing aids are generally prescribed by the physicians. Biomedical sensors gather information on body from various sources and convert the data into numerical value. National Health Expenditure Trends, 1975 to 2014. Wan, N.; Lin, G. Classifying Human Activity Patterns from Smartphone Collected GPS data: a Fuzzy Classification and Aggregation Approach. Of diseases and maintenance of health and Human services Food and Drug Administration for eye Care in Kenya Qualitative... And point-of-interest data logged approximately 5–8 hours a day for 4 months the intrinsic Correlation the... Diabetic eye Disease front-pockets and fall onto a 15 cm thick cushion evidence undermines quality and.... ), signal magnitude vector ( SMV ) and Tilt angle from the first Smartphone Simon! Thoroughly covered, with relevant papers and projects properly cited and described sensor is highly and! ; Kane, J.M Difference method more research and developments in smartphone-sensor based healthcare.! Self-Management applications for Android smartphones papers and projects properly cited and described planning D-Day ( April 2003 ) —Library Congress! 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